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[–]jet199 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Interesting a lot of reports of mistreatment by victims say the male police officers are very understanding then a female officer will come in and lay into them and accuse them of all sorts of things.

This might be good cop/bad cop being acted out but my feeling is this is intrasex competition, a jealous female cop trying to shut down a women who is getting a lot of attention.

I think you need to take into account that it's often the crazy women who are targeted for abuse because the rapist knows they are less likely to be believed and they are more socially isolated.

Feminists don't like the fact but if you've been raped once you are far more likely than the average person to be raped again because rapists attack vulnerable people and your vulnerability is often something you carry with you rather than a temporary thing like being drunk or alone. If a man targeted you once because you are disabled or crazy you can't really do anything to remove that risk factor so you always have that additional risk.

So it's tricky. Crazy women possibly with personality disorders are likely to lie but also more likely to be attacked. And then PTSD can also have the same symptoms as BPD so abuse can make people appear crazy. Maybe the cases where those issues seem present should be handled separately from women who are competent witnesses, with psychologists and doctors involved in interviews.