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[–]SoCo 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Remember when Trump was "racist" for wanting to ban TikTok....

Now ultra biased propaganda dump WaPo wants to gaslight the people on why Trump may be urging equal application of protections towards social media companies.

Especially since, Zuckerberg's money went to private election-fixer companies from Chicago, whom massively boosted election access in blue counties and even took over management of ballot counting in a few key counties of battle states in the 2020 election.

WaPo dishonestly tries to gaslight you, by painting a wild conspiracy about Trump having only learned of the massive Zuckerberge scandal from some documentary to make him seem foolish....

Yet in April 2022, the same time this obscure documentary came out, everyone learned of the massively disturbing actions of the Zuckerberge election riggers, because that is when the Wisconsin Special Counsel released the Second Interim Investigative Report came out. Among other serious and credible frauds, and disturbingly persistent stonewalling of any investigation by election officials, and massive legal attacks by non-profit dark-money shell companies...... also detailed the severe security lapses in Wisconsin battle ground counties, due to Zuckerberge's election rigger companies being largely given control of ballot counting. The election fixers were even given, non-public, real time, back-end election data access by at least one Wisconsin battle ground county according to the investigation. They acquired such unprecedented behind the scenes access and control from election staff, with the threat of contractually forcing full repayment, for failure to comply with the direction of Zuckerberge's money's use. This likely scared election officials into complacency, not wanting to be the cause a a multi $100's of thousand bill being sent to their county. Their actions were not consistent with what the Supreme Court consented to in the pre-election ruling and I think the Supreme Court would be appalled at what took place.

WaPo then goes on to project another gaslighting conspiracy, which tries to read Trump's mind and formulate what his motivations might be, in opposition to what he stated, without evidence, This mind-reading exercise of a conspiracy danced on implications of vague and fanciful conspiracy for financial gain by conspiring with people involved int he TikTok and its parent company or holding some of its stocks (Jeff Yass, David Urban, and an insane string board of other vague connections with no real meaning). This directly contradicts the first WaPo conspiracy of a made up motivation, but hey, something might stick to the wall with the current gullibility of the public.