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[–]JasonCarswell[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Again, I agree.

Being so passionate about it that I become a mouth-foaming tone-deaf alienating ranter is not just problematic in these writings but it also affects my relationships at times. Crazy in tone but not in content? I don't even know how to address that.

If you mean crazy passionate I agree. If you mean crazy crazy I don't agree. Of course crazy people may not know they're crazy. And "only a mad man is the only sane person in a mad world."

Alice is interested. She's already got a self inspired keen interest in (small time) true crime, know the cops can frame people, and a decent basic Canadian understanding of geopolitics. She's just so busy with a normie life, she has not learned how to research alternative sources, seek out good leads and recommendations, and separate the gold from the mountains of crap, nor to organize it all in one's head with a career, family, responsibilities, and a life.

Further, it's not just about me letting her being herself, she's my sister-in-law, and it's also about her letting me be myself. This is a way to connect and relate to family over common interests. And maybe she can help me put my hair out.

Funny you mention Carlin. He certainly walks the tightrope. Just yesterday I checked out this video, and even watched the very familiar rant through for the illustrations. There are intense rants with a punchlines and release. That's already my formula for my animated series - like a newspaper comic strips setup and punchline. "You Have NO Choice - George Carlin"

I don't know why you wouldn't help if you could. (But maybe you are.)

[–]kazenmusic 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

I don't mean that you are crazy; I mean that your passion leads you to alienate unwitting souls who will perceive you as crazy, when ffs all they did was 'walk into the room'. Which will damage your message.

There are a couple of reasons to be gentle with Alice, and anybody else like her. One, the scenario I paint for you above this. Two, I remember (and you likely will remember) a season in your reading where the enormity of the thing, realizing that this isn't just a bunch of stupid sandbox tantrum accidents, that you were encountering an opposing will (!) -it's pretty depressing. You have to wonder if it's really necessary to wake up everybody...some people will be very unhappy about this, even possibly will be unable to handle it.

I've gotten very selective about where and when I'll bring this stuff up. And the reason I won't help you is twofold also. One, I don't know that much, and I can't trust what I think I know. Sources are nothing to write home about when all you have is your computer. Two, it's a double-edged sword, you can damage other people and yourself with one blow if you are effective enough. I know, it's a mistake to leave the sheep wandering around by themselves, or so I'm told...but is it? I'm not much more than a sheep myself, certainly not a wolf, certainly not capable of confronting a demon.

I have an unshakable faith that it will play out regardless. Did I spend my life depressing other people in an effort to resist the expression of some ineffable evil? Was it worth it? I dunno, not my department.

I do think it's important for some people (like yourself) to see it all. But as for educating everybody? Not so sure about that. The ones who can handle it will find you, not often the other way around. That's what I think.

Some conspirologists think George cut too close to the bone and was removed, in spite of mere bad health. Don't know what I think about that either, or Joan Rivers' demise. I do believe I don't know enough to play at this level in any form that involves others than me.

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I don't mean that you are crazy


"A man speaking sense to himself is no madder than a man speaking nonsense not to himself." ~ Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead

Alice chose to walk in the room. That's where it starts. The trick is to be gentle introducing more rabbit hole doors to walk though without making her want to leave the building.

It can get pretty depressing for some, and I can totally see why. As a "creative type" I've always been on some levels an outsider and have either embraced, hid, or waved my freak flag according to my mood at the time. So I've never been a fan of the system nor needed its approval and definitely didn't want its authority. But clearly some folks feel differently and I can see how they may be traumatized by what you call the "opposing will" and I call the "exploitative matrix of control".

I'm not after everybody, though I wouldn't mind if everyone could see our neon caution sign so they could choose to enter the room or not. And having entered the first room this giant "terms of service" type ambush is a bit much but I don't know how else to caution a person before they drink deep of the Red Pill.

Your points about not helping are very valid and well stated. There are indeed demons.

(I just looked this up to find the complete titles of his two introductory near-definitive books to discover he'd been assaulted and driven from North America... )

There's a lot to life. "Wasting" it or "appreciating" it is all in the judgement of it, and that assessment is based on values and meaning. I fart around on SaidIt and elsewhere wasting time yet learning too, building up my vault of "knowledge" for my self-defined crusade. I don't have faith it will just play out without a defensive strategy, much less offensive. Further, I can't imagine doing anything else just to pass my privileged lifetime away until a comfortable retirement, as all else would seem far less meaningful in addition to the self-guilt and hypocritical inauthentic feeling of just doing little or nothing about these known corrupt evils. Every moment an unimaginable number of lives are profoundly affected negatively as the elites tighten their grip with more powerful technologies than ever before. I already feel bad enough that I'm not more focused and productive.

I'm not out to change everyone, or to make them see it all, or even just enough. Apparently it only takes 2% of a population to manifest change. Not everyone in Ireland was a bomber against the evil UK Empire, but those few were supported with food, money, shelter, etc and that support is critical.

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they got to Carlin or Rivers. Old age allows for natural health problems as cover. If they got to his doctor or pharmacist it'd be easy enough to exacerbate any issue into a legit problem demanding another solution, etc. I wonder if they got to David McGowan too, like they did with Bob Marley or FDR.

I appreciate the feedback. I may have a new male "recruit" from completely different circles too.

[–]kazenmusic 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

Wishing you very well on your journey, which must of course be your own. Mine's fine, I'm happy with the flow.

As a brief glimpse of my overview, I'll mention that this has all happened before many times, albeit without these particular modern tools for control. I'm quite an appreciator of the I Ching, a rather cryptic map of the rolling wheel of yin/yang. "What is full must empty. What is empty must fill". Though I consult it very seldom, I approve of the concept.

"The fool on the hill sees the sun going down, and the eyes in his head see the world spinning 'round" ....

I appreciate the chance to discuss it with you. Salute, fellow traveller!

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

You have a unique view. Knowing what we know and how rigged it all is, yet believing that it will all work out and that life is just suffering, and that's okay, seems like unattainable bliss. Not the ignorance is bliss kinda bliss, because you know, and yet seem to be care free (not careless) and tranquil about it.

FYI. My "Truther" this and that project titles are to help avoid confusion. There's enough confusion seeking truth out there. "Trutherism 101" is one of my two major projects, the other has a title I'm quite sure you might like, but I can't share it because I want to buy up all the domains etc before I unveil it - so in the meantime a friend came up with a jokey working-title, "Foiled Again". No one gets foiled, much less again, but it's a funny reference to Tin Foil Hats. Ironically I started the Trutherism 101 to get all the conspiracy stuff out of my system so I could focus on the other project without weighing it down with preachy shit.

Trutherism 101 has a man on a hill - a stereotype avoided but then ultimately embraced. A fool sometimes as it is intended to be a comedy.

I've added that Beatles song to my playlist to seek deeper meaning into the sermon on the mount.

Here's one for you: MC 900 Ft. Jesus with DJ Zero "Spaceman"

[–]kazenmusic 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Forced to my view by emotional sensitivity. I simply can't bear to spend all day under a shower of psychological poison; just as it's possible to live too long, it's possible to know too much.

Thanks for your kind reply.