If, for some reason(s), SaidIt were to push for funding, or WikiSpooks for their upcoming 10th anniversary, or an indie content creator like me (without much to show just yet) or maybe you or someone you know seeks support options...
How do you prefer to support online content?
For your reference convenience I've numbered these. Add more ideas in the comments for me to append to this list.
Answer or comment on whatever you like.
1) Do you care if there's a pay wall for some content, all the content, or just the membership where you can join in the discussion comments?
2) Do you care about copyleft/open-source content or if it's fully owned creator-copyrighted (which doesn't mean much in the arbitrary unfair world of YouTube or corporations with copious teams of lawyers)?
3) Do you care about supporting open-source code, software, platforms, sites, etc?
4) Do you just like free stuff?
5) Do you donate money or crypto? Rarely, sometimes, often?
6) Do you prefer donating or merchandise - or no preference?
7) Do you only buy quality merchandise or whatever is available?
8) Do you care about ethical products? (ie. environmentally friendly, non-toxic, fair-trade, fair-wages, etc.)
9) Do you prefer hand crafted unique products (ie. arts and crafts) or identical products (ie. machine made or printed)?
10) Do you just want several funding options and choose on a case by case basis?
11) Do you want merchandise choices and/or the ability to help decide what products and/or the ability to contribute merchandise (ie. T-Shirt designs) and/or opportunity to earn a cut on your contribution?
12) Do you even care?
13) What questions am I forgetting? / What questions would you want me to ask?
Full disclosure: I do not work for or represent SaidIt or WikiSpooks. I simply ask because I'm curious and hopefully some answers and/or I might help them, and others, collaboratively. I dream of being part of a 100% transparent webstore / donation / support platform that supports many sites, creators, etc. (ie. /s/GlossedAndProfound) SaidIt and/or WikiSpooks may or may not share these views.
[–]JasonCarswell[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun - (0 children)