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[–]Dragonerne 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

The far simpler explanation is people seeking out better lives for themselves.

It's politically organised and it's against the wishes of the majority of the people. So no, it's not just a simple explanation, although it would be nice if the world was just simple.

Who is saying white people don't have the right to exist?

You said that it's vile, hateful and racist to assume immigration is making a race go extinct.
Whites saying we don't want nonwhites in our countries is us exercising our right to our own countries. You have a problem with our self-determination and wish to eradicate us through forceful immigration of non-whites against the majority of whites wishes.

Also do you alt righters have an alert system or something?

I'm not alt right. I am left wing social democratic. You assuming i'm alt right because I proclaim that whites deserve a right to self determination and a right to their own countries is very telling of your entire "totally not wanting white countries to get destroyed"-world view. You probably support BLM too. Hard to be more mask off for you at this point and you're not hiding it very well.

Please positively confirm:
"Whites have a right to their own countries"
"Whites deserve self-determination in their own countries"
"Whites deserve their own countries like everyone else"
"Whites have a right to refuse non-white immigration into their own countries"
"Mass Immigration can be used to genocide a people in an area"

If you disagree with one or more of them, then just say that you disagree with those.

[–][deleted]  (1 child)


    [–]Dragonerne 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    No idea where you are, but I did a quick search and in Britain a recent immigration poll found Britain to be moderately high in anti-immigration,

    44% want it reduced. How many of those asked were native white british people?

    Nobody wants to eradicate you, how about you marry and have children?

    Even if I had 100 kids, the result would be the same.

    Most of us accept the fact that race has been twisted and pushed as an issue specifically to divide workers, a point I feel like you may have missed?

    No, I see it as yet another argument as to why homogeneity is better. In fact that's one of the reasons why they're pushing immigration.

    and I do in fact think black lives matter, although I disagree with the organization itself

    Well, then we seem to agree on that point.

    This is trumped by people already living/being born there having a right to exist

    No it's not. It is not a human right for turks to settle in France or for Somalis to settle in Sweden.

    Why does the existence of a non-white in your country threaten self-determination?

    Because we live in democracies.

    Why do you believe countries are defined more by race, rather than culture, industry, environment, etc.?

    It's one aspect. I personally don't care about race. But I'm forced to care because someone has the intention to destroy and genocide my own race.

    Go found an ethnostate somewhere else where the majority agree?

    No, thanks. We already have ethnostates in all of Europe. I don't need to found anything, because my forefathers already did. I just need to defend whats ours.

    How does this work?

    It's a strategy that's been used throughout history.