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[–]Jesus 8 insightful - 4 fun8 insightful - 3 fun9 insightful - 4 fun -  (5 children)

According to Trump, Dershowitz and the Likudniks including its leader Netanyahu (whom are all anti-Semitic against Palestinians), their actions encouraging and signing unconstitutional laws that deem anti-Israeli, anti-Judaism (meaning being against Talmudism or other Jewish supremacist religions), anti-Zionism statements, are all forms of anti-Semitism.

Ashkanazi Jews are not semitic, so where is the anti-Semitism? That's right, it's criticism. That's it. Criticizing Zionism, criticizing Israel, criticizing its government or Jewish supremacism or Jewish terrorist groups like the Stern Gang, Likud or Irgun is NOT anti-Semitic. We have freedom of speech here so we can criticize religion!!!

Just as I can freely expose the Likudniks that I believe orchestrated 9/11. If they happen to be mostly, Jews, so be it. I'm not angry at every Jew but for some odd reason these specific criminals like to hide under the cloak of anti-Semitism and the Jewish people as a whole.

Jews can criticize christianity all they want.

I would never advocate for violence or hate towards another human being but the idea that specific Jews use anti-Semitism, a misnomer, to call semitic people also anti-Semitic is idiotic.

So, I ask you, censorship person:

You can host that type of content but make it opt-in [Anti-Semitism]?!

So, define anti-Semitism?

If I don't believe Jews are a race does that make me an anti-Semite?

What is annoying are users spewing fallacies and ad hominems. Calling Jews terrible things or muslims "sandn-word", instead of criticizing either their specific actions, traditions, culture or beliefs. The later should not be censored!! But powerful Zionist interests want this censored. And you seem to be pushing this censorship even if in ignorance.

[–]FediNetizen 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (4 children)

I hope this whole comment was supposed to be making some joke that I just managed to totally miss. Anti-semitism is broadly understood to be hatred of Jews. It's similar to racism, except the main fucking reason we use the term anti-semitism is because being Jewish isn't just about belonging to a particular race, a point that appears to be totally lost on you, the guy who thought he was making a point with this brilliant line:

If I don't believe Jews are a race does that make me an anti-Semite?

No, it just means you've joined the rest of us in reality. There are people that identify as Jewish for ethnic reasons, religious reasons, and cultural reasons. And since it apparently wasn't obvious, my problem isn't with anti-semitism exclusively; that's just what I've seen the most often on this site.

The later should not be censored!! But powerful Zionist interests want this censored. And you seem to be pushing this censorship even if in ignorance.

The latter. The. Latter. You're missing a 't', bud. Powerful Zionist interests want you to come out of high school with a high-school-level mastery of the English language.

[–]Jesus 6 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 3 fun -  (3 children)



Most Jews are NOT SEMITIC though.

The conclusion is, that it does not matter though if a person is a Jew, a Gentile claiming to be Jewish, or a Gentile; all must come to Jesus Messiah for salvation.

My point in the above post was that I have seen many revisionist-Zionist Jews spew anti-Semitic hate against Arabs. Judaism to me and other Orthodox Jews, is a religion above all, of the 1st covenant. For thousands of years Judaism was never considered a race. Palestinians and Arabs are, nevertheless, Semitic. I have a profound problem with Jewish terrorists like the Stern Gang, Irgun, Lehi and revisionist secular Jews who are really apostate Jews.

Zionists, first created and Nazis, later used the blood purity, race narrative to categorize Jews. Just read some of Herzl's writings and you'll see that he was totally delirious. Befriending anti-Judaics and calling Jews "kikes."

It makes sense though because some of the most prominent Zionist Jews loathed the assimilationist or diasporic Jews who refused to emigrate to Israel.

Powerful Zionist interests want you to come out of high school with a high-school-level mastery of the English language.

No, but certainly revisionist Zionists like the Likud had a direct hand in 9/11. Blaming muslim arabs for this false flag when all the Saudi "hijackers" had Mossad handlers in Hollywood, Fl., exposes severe anti-Semitism.

The latter. The. Latter. You're missing a 't', bud.

I don't have spellcheck on and your last sentence is a fallacy.

May God bless you. And may Yeshua guide you.

[–]joogabah 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

The irony is that Palestinians may be descendants of Jews who were alive in the region during Christ's time, who later converted to Islam.

Have you read Dr. Judy Wood? There are a lot of anomalies surrounding 9/11 that can't be explained by either of the competing theories (the nonsense official theory, or the conventional controlled demolition theory).

[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, very true. But the Likudniks have a small facet within their ranks that also push this notion that:

Yes, Palestinians can have a one state solution... However... They must convert to Judaism and follow Jewish law and serve in the IDF.

What is there reason for this? The likudniks say:

Well, Palestinians are Hebrews just like us. They were forced to convert to Islam 750 years ago. Hence, they need to convert back to Judaism and everything will be fine.

Too late Likudniks and not a sound argument.

If an entire mass of people, (group A) who converted to Islam, live in an area, with other Jews mind you, for nearly a thousand years practicing their religion and then some other group terrorizes them and steals all of their property 750 years later, do you think group A. would say, hey yes, you can have all of this land and we will convert back to our original religion of our ancestors to please you and serve in the IDF.

[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Good video, it shows that Jewish revisionist Zionists loathed diasporic Jews to the point of killing them. Think Iraqi Jews or Iranian Jews. The point is revisionist Zionists tried to dehumanize Iraqi and Iranian Jews even to the point of killing them.

That's why I've been saying that I see a lot of Zionists Jews spew anti-Judaic racial ad hominems on Jews, attacking their features to catagorize Jews. Herzl did this. The more fear a Jew has the more he will want to emigrate to Israel, which is exactly what the Zionists want.

Like I said, I see Trump supporters say the most anti-Judaic stuff against Jewish features, no logical arguments to be made, not even sound criticism. My question to them would be if you mock Jews all the time, why then do you support Trump and Netanyahu? The former figurehead is loved by revisionist Zionists and the Likud in Israel and the latter is the leader of Israel. So, having caught a lot of them supporting these figureheads their actions lead me to believe that they are Zionist Jews attacking Diasporic Jews.