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[–]neckbeard_pirate 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

If by news, you mean Reddit memes or clickbait out-ragey articles that are more fluff than substance, yeah.

Pick of any history book and read. Actually, look at life outside of Western democracies. Look up news on how women get stoned to death for adultery. Look up on how some places persecute women if they dare to go to the police for being raped. Look at statistics of domestic violence.

Violence toward woman is the rule, not the exception, in most of the world. For much of history.

And I can't help but laugh at the "if women don't want to be a victim, then maybe they shouldn't date violent man" logic. You must live a wonderful life where you've never really had to deal with bad people. Or bad luck. I don't know how old you are but let's talk when you're 40. If you think you're magically sheltered from violent people in the world because you have an uncanny ability to weed them out - well, guess what? That's what most victims thought too! Most violent psychopaths don't walk around with a giant HI I AM A VILLAIN stamped to their forehead. I don't know how old you are, but let's talk when you're 40. Then maybe you would realize that anyone - even you - can be a victim. But it won't be so fun when the other people point the accusatory finger back at ya :D

[–]xigoi 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Look up news on how women get stoned to death for adultery.

Yeah, that mostly happens in countries with a certain religion. Wait, this is not Reddit, so I can say it. Islamic countries. I don't support Islam.

You must live a wonderful life where you've never really had to deal with bad people.

Sometimes you have to deal with bad people, but nobody is forcing you to date them unless you're in a country with arranged marriage (which I don't support, just to bo clear).

Most violent psychopaths don't walk around with a giant HI I AM A VILLAIN stamped to their forehead.

Most violent men display violent behavior, which is seen as more “masculine” and therefore has a higher success in dating. I'm not talking about the few who pretend to be non-violent.