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[–]JasonCarswell 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

When I ask women out on dates, they say no.

Ever ask them why? Have you any idea how folks perceive you? Your appearance, fitness, ability, manners, affectations, hygiene, style, quirks, interests, hobbies, confidence, patience, aggressiveness, expectations, intelligence, wisdom, etc?

How old are you? Be as vague as you prefer to be anon.

So in my humble opinion I think this is enough of a reason to hate women.

Doesn't sound rational or well thought out.

at freedom/prepper groups

I'm not sure if those exist in my area, I'll have to look around. Sounds like a lot of fun though. Where do you find these groups? Facebook?

They exist everywhere. Facebook, Friendevu, Flote, Librti, Bastyon, etc. Focus on your region. You need to seek them out, attend, network, and meet people. Be active, or if you're passive, life and all the great things will pass you by. Don't just wish and hope something nice will happen to you - get off your ass and MAKE IT HAPPEN. Respectfully.

Respectfully to you, and respectfully to the women you may pursue. Why would she bother to waste time with you if you don't respect her? It's not fair to nor worth it for either of you unless the respect is there.

Yes of course. You cannot call yourself an incel unless you've tried every avenue.

It seems you haven't tried everything. - good but being revised.

IMO, infinitely better than online platforms and apps is IRL. Find local communities that share your interests (besides hating women), such as freedom, anti-authority, rallies, local/state/national politics, prepping, gardening, health, hobbies, geeking out, filmmaking (I just drove 4 hours to Toronto for a filmmaking meetup yesterday, then 4 hours back last night), gaming, etc. Also, if you know of any women you thing you might have a chance with, find out what their interests are, learn about them, and then impress them with your knowledge and interest. And of course, you can take up hobbies that also have many women - cooking, sewing, arts, etc. Like many things, learning to sew actually very practical and is not masculine only if you think so. Be confident in yourself, whatever that may be.

Familiarity breeds affection.
Why would she give a fuck about you if she doesn't know you?
Be around people. Be kind to people. Not just women of interest. Always act as if "she" is watching you. Be kind, compassionate, patient, etc. and aim to impress her with your stoicism, worthiness, and value as a good catch. You can only catch the valued and worthy if you are worthy.

Be the husband material they all would want, whether they all see it or not. All you need is one. If/when you do have someone giving you their attention - you must absolutely shift gears and give them 1000000% of your attention and focus. But not in an obsessive creepy way. I mean completely STOP looking at other women. Even the sideways glances at someone walking by. You might get away with it most of the time, but that's simply not enough, and they will pick it up, consciously or subconsciously. Also remember, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. The chances of you catching anyone who isn't voluntarily sitting right in front of you is exceptionally slim. All you need is one. And when you find the one, you will cease to be you, because you will be a partner in a couple, and that's how you will have to always consider things in life. Rather than how does this thing affect me, think how does this thing affect US. The connection only lasts if you keep checking in. Consciousness and communication are key to building and maintaining a relationship.

[–]LadiesMan 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

As a relatively social incel, nothing matters if you do not pass the looks and status threshold.

[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Mostly true.

I'd guess there are women in similar boats.