Demolition Man, along with Idiocracy, are said to be the most accurate science fiction movies to ever get the future right. Although Demolition Man is heavily inspired by "Brave New World," it mirrors the real events of 2014 to the present, with alarming accuracy. Literally the only predictions they get wrong are the Three Seashells, Taco Bell (or Pizza Hut) winning the fast food franchise wars, and Los Angeles and San Diego merging into one mega-city. Oh, and the whole John Spartan-Simon Phoenix thing.
Who would you cast in the IRL Demolition Man?
Who do you think is the real-life John Spartan? Who's the most based, gives-no-fucks, ass-kicking, foul-mouthed, popular, inspirational, 74 year old Boomer who's been around since the early 90s, that you know right now? Maybe William Shatner, but he's fat. James Woods? It wouldn't be... Trump, would it?! "Says what he wants. Boomer. Popular. Inspirational with today's youth." Fuck, it's Donald Trump, isn't it?
Who do you think is the real-life Lenina Huxley? Stupid-but-hot, obedient, liberal white woman in her 30s who becomes red-pilled by the end of the movie. Actress Shailene Woodley is actually kinda based, believe it or not. But she's "The Poor Woman's Jennifer Lawrence." I would just go with Jennifer Lawrence, but she's not attractive enough, or red-pilled enough, to really fit the role of 30 year old Sandra Bullock. Gal Gadot? I know she pretends to be woke sometimes, but she's actually pretty egalitarian. Fuck it; let's just go with Gadot. She lives in Hollyweird, but still a pretty traditional woman.
Who do you think is the real-life Simon Phoenix? The bad-ass moral-less villain from the 90s being manipulated by the woke mastermind who the woke can't really control or stop. Putin fits the bill. But he's not really that bad-ass or tough. Dwayne Johnson, maybe? It's got to be someone who's a legitimate threat. Who hates Trump more than anyone, can be considered his greatest enemy, is working with the woke bad guys, can't be manipulated by the woke elites, and has been around since the 90s? Fuck... It's Hillary. They're both equally powerful, except Phoenix is bad-ass and physically powerful, while Hillary Clinton is just plain old evil and financially powerful. Thought she'd be someone else, though... A gender and race swap to Simon Phoenix? It really is Current Year!
Who do you think is the real-life Raymond Cocteau? The true bad guy using fake altruism to perform his evil deeds. It has to be someone wh- It's Klaus Schwab. Fuckin' Klaus Schwab. No one else. ("Ju vil on' nuffing un be well!") Yeah, Bill Gates also fits the bill, but even he ain't that evil. Larry Fink, of course, would be Schwab's second-in-command, as the administrator of all DEI and ESG that we know of, today.
Who do you think is the real-life Edgar Friendly? The freedom-loving man who says what we're all thinking and hates censorship, but has been run into the underground due to it and the one who pretty much agrees with our main protagonist that we should all be able to live freely and responsibly. No, it ain't Andrew-fuckin'-Tate. Could be Joe Rogan, but he's not ballsy enough and pretty much sits on the fence. Shit, it might just be modern day Russell Brand, perhaps. Dude did a complete 180 like Howard Stern going woke. Shit man; he's not physically tough but the closest one who fits the bill for being the philosophical free speech role model is Jordan Peterson. Kermit Dad, it is.
New Bonus Characters
There are other influential people in our society too, who aren't necessarily on either side, but play valuable roles. These are new characters in our timeline. Such as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the anti-villains of the story. They work for the bad guys, but are ultimately too stupid and cowardly to do anything else. Yes, they commit evil deeds in their name, but only because they're just as powerless as everyone else, while pretending to have great power. Joe Biden is the Wizard of Oz in this story. And better yet, we can have it that Biden is really just the cowardly one, while Kamala is truly evil, and this leads to a power-struggle to where we have to "terminate" Kamala, cause she would reveal Biden as a traitor or something. And yes, Joe Biden in actuality is a huge scumbag, but compared to the rest of Washington, I don't think he's outright "evil." Being evil takes intelligence Joe Biden just isn't capable of. He's corrupt, for sure, but not evil.
We also have guys like Elon Musk, who fence-sit and gain a lot of money and power under this New World Order, but ultimately know it's evil and the wrong thing to do. Maybe our John Spartan can convince him to change his mind and do the right thing over putting money first. I mean, he did pretend to liberate Twitter and made it at least 10 to 15% less horrible. Who knows if Musk can truly be trusted or not.
Then you have other fence sitters like Joe Rogan; has a powerful platform and sometimes strays outside of the status quo, but most of the time shuts up and does what he's told... That is, until they finally take something he cares about or finally "cancels" him and he decides "enough is enough" and finally "takes the red pill" and tells the full uncensored truth to his audience of tens of millions. Hell, Rogan also already knows Elon Musk and they get-along pretty well. If Musk can be convinced to reject the corrupt side, then so can Rogan.
And we need another chick. How about a young rebel girl who supports the revolution, but is just an ordinary person and ultimately doesn't sway anyone until bigger guys like Spartan (and possibly Musk and Rogan, once they're convinced to join the cause) start to rile people up. We need a journalist-like every-girl who follows in Friendly's footsteps to show the events of the movie to wake up the normies out of oppressive PC culture. Someone like... Brett Cooper? But she's phony-as-fuck and a huge hypocrite (I'm not even Conservative and I can see her liberal girl-boss bullshit), so I doubt it. Same applies to her black counterpart, Candace Owens; another "I'm not like the other Girl-bosses" Girl-boss. ...Who's the most based female YouTuber with a decent, medium-sized following and some basic journalistic integrity? Chrissie Mayr? She's kinda too old to play an inspirational conservative Zoomer, though. She's like 40 or something, right? Could've been Lauren Southern before she semi-retired. I'm not sure, but we'll have a beautiful, counterculture, young, upstart, rebellious, independent Zoomer-aged female news reporter, stirring up trouble to the establishment elite by giving guys like Spartan, Friendly and Musk a youth-centered platform to reach all the normies out there. Screw it; she'll just be someone like Candace Owens.
Lastly, we need our morally-sound replacement leader once the current evil regime has been deposed. Someone who works in the system, but hasn't been corrupted by it (that much) and has been working for change the entire time but has been stopped along the way cause the system is too corrupt. And I know who's perfect for the role. Tulsi Gabbard. She's our "I've been trying to change things, but can never succeed; wait who are you guys? You can help me? Well, that's just great! Maybe we can finally make the world a better place!" bright-eyed optimistic person of the story. She would take office, you know, after Don Spartan or whatever.
Okay, so those are our new characters from real life!
The anti-villains who are just cowards and doing what "they" tell them to, as the useless dumb puppets to The Machine that they are.
The reluctant, somewhat-untrustworthy billionaire who could be swayed over to the Red Pill... Or end up betraying everyone to the woke mob.
The other successful reluctant guy who's recently had something valuable taken from him, to finally sway him over to the resistance.
The young journalist looking to make a name for herself and has been all about Culture War revolution the whole time, who can reach the youth and the normies.
And the new leader voted to power to replace the Woke Mastermind, hoping to "drain the swamp" and bring back integrity and morality to the people.
So this is our Earth Prime version of Demolition Man, also known as The 2014-2024 Culture War.
There's your Demolition Man in real life, for ya.
[–]Tums_is_Smut_bkwrds 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun - (0 children)