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[–]Yin 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

That's not true. No amount of nurturing prevents a certain percentage from following through on their core animal impulses, especially when it concerns pit bulls or any other animal with the physical and mental disposition of being able to kill humans. Your personal experiences are completely meaningless when the existence of even just one single instance of what I speak of defies your personal anecdotes.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

No, what you are talking about are singular instances, I'm talking about averages. The average pit bull can be conditioned in a positive manners such that they won't bite under normal conditions. Nothing about their genetics can stop that conditioning. Wow, such a hard thing to prove, right? No, it's incredibly easy, go take some training courses and become educated.

I'm not a liberal. I don't think that just because animals can be trained and conditioned that humans can be. I've seen you talking about nurture/culture issues before. You aren't wrong about that, when it concerns humans. However, every cowboy would disagree with you, every dog trainer would.

The thing is, your argument is predicated on cherry picking. The majority of dog biting incidents are caused by 1. Stupid humans messing with untrained dogs, or 2. Stupid humans messing with violent tortured dogs.

My experiences cannot be explained away so easily. If what I am talking about was false, dog training wouldnt work, cattle wrangling wouldn't work, and teaching apes sign language would be a death sentence.

Even when it comes to humans, this holds water. I should expect every single white missionary to come home with bruises and burned buttholes from all the beatings and rapes. Sometimes that is the case. For the vast majority, it isn't.

I don't disagree with you about base traits based off of genetics. However, genetics are only one part of what dictates our behavior. I would argue it is only a major part with dumb animals, like most modern humans, and pit bulls. Therefore, you can cherry pick data all day long and feel justified.

You can rehabilitate almost anything, except for the most debased and violent of people. Individual people, not groups.

You are going down the same path the Jew went down, just on the other lane.