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[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I love ketamine. I hate cops.

IMO, ketamine should be decriminalized and embraced for therapeutic purposes with professionals and available recreationally, just like alcohol - but with simple and clear instructions.

While ketamine is a faaaaaar safer drug than alcohol, other tranquilizers, and anesthetics doesn't mean the pigs should use it on their victims. IMO, ketamine is one of the worst things for police to "employ" in their situations, especially for their poorly trained thugs without fundamental respect for life. Everyone reacts differently - not all are "tranquil". 1 out of 10 (maybe more) is hyper sensitive to ketamine and goes straight to the K-hole usually without a good experience. Injections are always fundamentally dangerous. Mixing drugs is exceptionally dangerous (ie. ketamine and depressives like alcohol or GHB can kill). The psycholitic experience may be profoundly traumatizing for non-psychonauts - just as it can be therapeutic.

There is no shortage of other reasons why the pigs don't need this "upper hand" for their totalitarian domination when some proper deescalation and cooperation training would suffice.