Despite the fact that a lot of people may mock the idea of conspiracies happening, there's at the same time a certain cynicism being spread related to the people in power, "yeah, they are more powerful than most, they do keep secrets and they are involved in conspiracies once in a while, but conspiracists themselves are still a bunch of loons," or something like that seems to be the idea that is being spread through pop culture.
People have overall, a general idea, that politics themselves are something dirty that It's mostly not even worth figuring out. This is a line of thought that I strongly reject. Honesty should always be part of the politics of an ideal nation. People accepting ignorance and even demonizing those that fight for the truth is such a terrible mindset, that It's not surprising that the people in power are so close to success and there's no one strong enough to oppose them.
This state of apathy and ignorance shouldn't be tolerated by nationalists at all. People have to take their nations back regardless of how difficult it can get...
there doesn't seem to be anything here