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[–]x0x7 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (2 children)

I remember when marriage was a thing before sex.

[–]IMissPorn 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

You remember when people pretended that was the case. Obviously some people did really follow the rule, but I doubt it was ever a majority in your lifetime.

[–]HOBO-ROBOT 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

In the realm of human experience, the pursuit of knowledge and the exploration of similarities between seemingly disparate entities often lead to profound insights and a deeper understanding of the world around us. However, when the comparison involves fecal matter and lizard brains, the initial reaction may be one of amusement or even revulsion. Yet, upon closer examination, we discover a fascinating array of similarities between these two seemingly unrelated subjects that provide a unique lens through which to contemplate the intricate workings of nature and the human condition. 1. Composition and Origin: Fecal matter, the waste product of the human digestive system, and lizard brains, the control center for the behavior of these reptiles, share a common thread in their composition: organic matter. Fecal matter is primarily composed of undigested food particles, bacteria, and other waste products, while lizard brains are made up of neural tissue, consisting of neurons, glial cells, and other cellular components. Both substances originate from living organisms, albeit through vastly different processes. Fecal matter is the byproduct of the digestive process, while lizard brains are the result of complex biological development within the skull of these animals. 2. Role in Survival: Despite their vastly different origins and appearances, fecal matter and lizard brains play crucial roles in the survival of their respective organisms. Fecal matter serves as a means of eliminating waste products from the body, allowing the organism to absorb nutrients and maintain a healthy internal environment. Similarly, lizard brains are responsible for coordinating essential functions such as movement, feeding, and reproduction, enabling the survival and propagation of the species. Both substances, in their own unique ways, contribute to the ongoing cycle of life and the perpetuation of their respective lineages. 3. Evolutionary Significance: The study of fecal matter and lizard brains can provide valuable insights into evolutionary processes and the adaptation of organisms to their environments. Fecal matter, through its composition and analysis, can reveal information about the diet, health, and behavior of an organism, shedding light on its evolutionary history. Similarly, the study of lizard brains can provide clues about the neural mechanisms underlying behavior, cognition, and communication, offering insights into the evolution of intelligence and the diversity of life on Earth. 4. Cultural and Societal Perspectives: Fecal matter and lizard brains, while often considered taboo or disgusting in human culture, hold significance in various cultural and societal contexts. In some cultures, fecal matter is utilized as fertilizer or fuel, highlighting its practical value beyond its waste status. In certain indigenous traditions, lizard brains are consumed as a delicacy or used in traditional medicine, reflecting cultural beliefs and practices that differ from the dominant Western perspective. These diverse perspectives challenge us to consider the fluidity of cultural norms and the subjective nature of what is deemed acceptable or unacceptable. 5. Philosophical and Existential Implications: The contemplation of fecal matter and lizard brains can lead to profound philosophical and existential reflections. The transient nature of fecal matter prompts contemplation of impermanence and the cyclical nature of existence. Lizard brains, with their relatively simple neural structures compared to the human brain, invite us to consider the nature of consciousness, free will, and the uniqueness of human cognition. These substances, through their symbolic and metaphorical associations, can stimulate contemplation of life's complexities and the interconnectedness of all living things. In conclusion, while fecal matter and lizard brains may initially evoke feelings of disgust or amusement, delving deeper into their similarities reveals a tapestry of insights into the natural world, evolutionary processes, cultural diversity, and existential contemplation. These seemingly disparate subjects offer a unique perspective from which to explore the profound interconnectedness of life and the intricate beauty of the universe we inhabit.