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[–]Vulptex 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (2 children)

The muscle isn't that useful. It's actually more uncomfortable than it's worth, unless you're trying to become a blue collar worker or join the military.

I'd love if all I had to deal with is breasts and a uterus. I could get those shut down with pills or removed completely if I wanted to. As a male, almost every single aspect of your body and brain changes drastically for sexual roles, and it's in such a way that there's no way in hell that 90% of it can ever be undone. In many species the male dies immediately after mating because that's his only purpose in life. Human males don't die but the dimorphism is the same concept, their personal well being doesn't matter at all as long as they benefit females and the species.

And just because it's natural doesn't mean it isn't ugly. Ugliness and gross body features are actually intended because it makes males look meaner and more threatening, which does not do us any favors; again it's for the female partner's benefit.

And yeah we don't have to devote our lives to women or sex; but our ability to do anything else has been shot down by our pubertal development, so if you're not into that you're left stranded with no reason to live.

[–][deleted] 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

It's muscle. If it's physically uncomfortable, and you haven't done anything (ie: work out) to make it physically uncomfortable, there's something wrong with your body. It's extraordinarily useful. Skeletal muscle does more than just look swank and help your body with physical movement. It contracts to help circulation for not only blood products, but lymph (layman's: your body's defense fluid). It allows you to perform physical tasks with more ease than if you're female. We can work out and even roid up, but it will never be the same as male strength. Your basic physiology caters to this, with the male body even carrying more red blood cells than the female's to give extra oxygen. Your hearts are even larger. If you can't think of tasks that benefit from having more default strength than just blue collar jobs or military shit, you should probably start looking that up.

You are grossly, and I mean GROSSLY oversimplifying human female physiology. The uterus sits pretty much right over the bladder. If it's removed, along with the ovaries (main sex hormone providing component for females), you surge into early menopause. This puts you at risk for osteoporosis, your vaginal epithelium degrades, the natural vaginal pH increases and puts you at risk for infections, all of the other finely tuned processes going on get fucked up, and then you might be at risk for vaginal prolapse to top it off.

We have far more complicated social structures set up around the world than to reproduce. That's a base level evolutionary call that is ignored by plenty, and as higher thought creatures, we can make decisions beyond procreation.

Your physical appearance doesn't benefit women outside of us being impressed or repulsed, and us wanting to take those genes onward. There's a protection aspect of a masculine form, but we're not constantly in physical altercations in civilized societies. Why are you pissed about sexual dimorphism? You're not dying during childbirth. You're expected to do cool shit and then move on.

You jerk off and move on. It's genuinely that simple. Seek out having your testosterone levels checked. This isn't petty recommendation, it's out of concern.

[–]Vulptex 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Since female humans are universally happier than males, even in patriarchal nations where they're oppressed, I think we can be pretty sure that their internal chemistry is working better for them than males.

I'm also pissed about dimorphism because I'm practically a child or an alien trapped in an adult human male's body. Pre-puberty my life was going pretty good, and then everything changed and every single change was a negative for me. And it's irritating because women barely have to change at all, they basically just get bigger, start their sexual function, and grow breasts and that's it. It's not easy for either I don't think, but at least women can mostly continue their lives as normal, whereas for me nothing will ever be the same ever again, and not in a good way. I'm forced to accept that I am now nothing but a disposable machine for the species. I still have free will, but as the specialized sex my ability to function outside these roles is very limited. My emotions will always be crap from now on, and I'll never be good at all the fun stuff I like doing again, because that brainpower was relocated to sexual functions. Even my physical senses will never be as vivid, in exchange for being able to detect movement better for hunting and war.

No one will ever care about me nearly as much either, because I'm expendable and that's just the card I was dealt. Society will always hold very high expectations from me and want me to give the fruits of my labor to them and to women. If you don't believe me, why are men almost always breadwinners and women, if they work, usually get a part time hobby job that's not serious about making income? Why are women always saved first from disasters? Why do women get handed everything in a divorce? Why do women only get 1/6th the prison time as men for the exact same crime? Why are men homeless but women cared for by society? Why are men considered creeps for the same things women are applauded for? Why does the man have to pay on the date? Why are men scolded for having personal issues but women are given support? Why are men always portrayed as workaholics but women as hobbyists and the ones making purchases (with mens' money usually)?

My physical appearance looks mean and scares people and even animals and I hate that because that's not what I'm like at all. It's meant to make me a more successful protector for women but I couldn't care less about that. My body structure is uncomfortable and optimized for utility over personal well-being, especially in the skull. It's not immediately noticeable but for example my eyes are squished into my head and the skin is stretched around the extra bone, so it's uncomfortable and I can't see as well. And I'm going to start exchanging my head hair for gross hairs everywhere else. It's natural but it sucks for us.

It allows you to perform physical tasks with more ease than if you're female.

Which means you're expected to do them. And I can't say I use my superior strength for anything I actually care about.

Just because women have challenges in life doesn't discredit mens'. All around women definitely got the sweet end of the deal, especially in first world countries with equal rights ("equal" usually meaning in favor of women over men). Feminism will tell you otherwise, but that is again because of our instinct to care about women over men because they are more valuable to the species. This poster is not the only FtM transitioner who will tell you this story. It turns out "male privilege" isn't all that great, and there's plenty of "female privilege" that never gets discussed.