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[–]dazzledot 38 insightful - 10 fun38 insightful - 9 fun39 insightful - 10 fun -  (1 child)

The astroturfing, narrative pushing and opinion whiplash.

“Stay the fuck inside! Stay six feet apart in public! Wear your mask! You’ll kill people by interacting with them in any way! This virus transmits extremely easily! Be a good, good citizen by staying the fuck inside! Oh my look at all those idiots at parties, they kill us all! Hahaha, holy shit look at these idiots protesting the lockdown. I will sneak to their hospital rooms and stuff popcorn in my face while they die a horrible death for their stupidity! Two weeks, mark my words!”

“Silence is violence! Go protest! We must address white supremacy and police brutality right this very second! Covid what? No, no, this isn’t like the lockdown protesters at all because we are on the right side of history! Any uptick of covid cases is entirely because of them, people partying and conservative media lying to the public! Don’t let Fox News fool you!”

“Now covid is really going to kill us all for real this time! I promise! This is the real deal so stay the fuck inside you potential Grandma killer! Unless you’re protesting because that is totally fine it doesn’t effect case numbers at all! Oh look at these obvious Trump supporters going out for their stupid fucking haircuts lmao idiots I hope you enjoy your painful covid death.”

[–]ElectroCloud 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Verysmart US citizens are protesting the lockdown -> US death toll is 1/4 of the worldwide coronavirus death toll -> cue "Directed by Robert B. Weide".