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[–]berlin13[S] 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Yes, i’m pretty sure now that we are heading for a break up. I guess I still have some hope left, and it’s very painful because other aspects of our relationship aren’t bad at all. I don’t think she is aware that she isn’t sexually attracted to me. What makes this 10x harder is the fact that I can’t talk about this with anyone. Imagine how insane it sounds to say that you dont think your partner of 3 years likes you. I’ve met plenty of girls that think they like women, and how could they not? When “lesbian sex” for them is another girl making sure they have a good time, with no reciprocation whatsoever. This issue i’m having made me realize that most of my sexual experiences have been exactly that, me being a pleaser, and that’s it, usually nothing in return. And that might be fun sometimes, but I’m tired of feeling like i’m not desired, even by girls that “like me”. I want to feel like my body is beautiful too, and all that jazz. It’s funny because now that i’m an adult it feels like I’ve gone full circle and feel just as lonely and as weird as i did back when i was a teen, wondering if I would ever find love. Sorry if this is tmi! I had all this bottled up, and thanks again for your kind words

[–]winterwillow 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

You're welcome! And yeah I know, I was in a relationship where we were doing great just the two of us, but where she had other issues outside of that, and in the end I had to break it off. I was still in love with her but the situation as a whole was unsustainable. It was very painful, but looking back I did the right thing, because her situation is still the same, and I would still be in it with her hoping for change if I'd stayed. It might sound insane saying your gf doesn't like you when you say it to yourself, but I hope if you voice your concerns with your friends that they will see your side of the story.

No worries about the tmi :) One of the reasons I answered your post is because it's maybe the third I've read in a short time with just this kind of issue. (and I'm banned from replying on some places on reddit lol) I don't want to police how people have sex, but at least to me, these one-side relationship are outliers and shouldn't represent how lesbian sex mostly works. No one should feel like well I'm a pleaser or I identify as a top, so it's normal that my gf doesn't touch me, doesn't want me to undress, doesn't initiate sex, uncaringly rolls away after she's done. Unless this is something both parties want and have agree upon of course.

I hope that eventually you'll come out of this feeling like you learned something about yourself and what you want in a girlfriend. You might feel like you've gone backwards, but that might have a lot to do with you having been rejected over and over by the one person who should want you the most. I do wish you the best, and if you feel like giving me an update on how it's going for you feel free to send me a DM!

[–]reluctant_commenter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Hey, sorry to jump in but I also had a similar experience as OP a while back, lol. Your replies really helped me as well, thank you. You said you'd heard of other examples of this happening before-- mind if I ask where? This whole post is very relatable to me and I thought I had some sort of crazy, one-off experience so I guess I am just kind of grasping at straws trying to pick up on what exactly this might be.

[–]winterwillow 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Sure, I'll send you a PM with the link!