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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I try to stay balanced with a healthy dose of skepticism, but there are some certain experiences that have shaken me up to the point where I'm not sure what I believe. It's one thing to hear a ghost story/creepy encounter from someone else. When you go through something similarly unexplainable, it's hard for me not to consider the possibility that there are weird things going on in the world that can't be explained with our current knowledge and measurements. The supernatural, for lack of a better term.

As for my first comment, I'm not entirely sure what was going on with me. I was definitely fully awake and alert and not particularly stressed before the incident happened. I won't discount the possibility that I hallucinated the whole thing. Aside from that incident, there are other times I was in a group that saw something supposedly supernatural/paranormal and that's much harder to handwave away as a trick or simple misunderstanding.

In conclusion, I still don't believe in ghosts and I have no idea but it would be amazing if we got answers to these weird phenomena in our lifetime.

[–]funk_transcender 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Unfortunately I think there's far too much corruption and dogma in science for these kind of events to receive mainstream funding. I do know there's a lot of fringe organisations that try to empirically study all sorts of strange phenomena, the answers in some capacity might already be out there, but I'm immensely sceptical that without a huge need this kind of research will ever become part of the mainstream.

I've been pretty interested in this recently after the pentagon started releasing videos of UAPs - it kind of opened a whole new world to me that there's a whole new world of strange phenomena that we don't hear about.

I've been doing a lot of research and the most bizarre thing I find is that branches of the nazis were obsessed with the occult and other fringe cultural interfaces to 'higher knowledge'. Obviously their end game was a really cynical one though.

Additionally the CIA during the cold War did tonnes of research and studies with psychics/remote viewers/etc. Jimmy Carter is even quoted saying his strangest experience as president was when a plane had gone missing and the intelligence services got in contact with a psychic in california who could give the longitude/latitude coordinates of the plane.

As you say, a lot of group experiences for 'out of the known world' phenomena are super hard to dismiss as well.

I've come across a lot of weird stuff like that which is verifiable. I truly do think there's so much that goes on beyond our normal perceptual/sensory capabilities. What that IS I am completely clueless. But it does create a lot of wonder for me, along with a bit of fear.