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[–]CJLez[S] 8 insightful - 3 fun8 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Best Subjects

I was a few years ahead of the other kids in reading, and being curled up with a book was my favourite hobby so any subject with a lot of reading I was great at. Mainly history (which I loved, Horrible History books were my jam), English (language and literature) and RE. Surprisingly I never got my head around French though. Sciences and maths were a bit above average but nothing spectacular.

Worst Subjects

I have always had horrendous hand-eye coordination and, though I'm good at typing, my hands will not do anything else they're told (to the point of several years of mandatory after-school handwriting classes to make me legible). Two of my worst subjects were Art and Music. This was a small rural school in the 90s so, if a child was struggling in a lesson, it wasn't because there was something going on (in my case probably undiagnosed dyspraxia), it meant one thing and one thing only - the child was obviously not trying hard enough. Art and Music were mandatory until age 13 but from 8 years old I was punished by having to sit there and watch the other kids play instruments/paint because I 'didn't deserve to participate in the class if I wasn't going to try' despite trying my hardest every single time.

Nowadays I love going to the gym and walking but my worst lessons at school were PE. Not only did I have my co-ordination issues, I also had a huge amount of trouble with left versus right, a lopsided gait, severe asthma, poor eyesight, a tendency to fall over several times an hour and I was an absolute runt, both in terms of weight and height. Yeah, PE was never going to end well.

I wasn't the 'picked last' kid, I was the 'team captains having screaming matches about why I shouldn't be on their team until the teacher forced one side to have me' kid. I wasn't the slow-running kid, I was the kid who was given a cross-country course that was 50% shorter than everyone else's course and still came last every week.

The height of my physical prowess was joining the afterschool badminton club - after three years of classes I hit the shuttlecock over the net twice. Not twice in one go. Twice in the whole three years. At least I can laugh now about how hilariously useless I was at sports.