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[–]Innisfree 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Assuming he won't have more than say 10 hives, he'll have to check on them every other weekend as soon as winter is over. As soon as the flowering season begins and they start gathering pollen it's every weekend. June-July is a very busy beacause they are reproducing very quickly and you may even need to call him if a family leaves the hive and settles on a neighbouring tree lol. Then from August to November it's every other weekend again - it's about making sure they have enough to eat, are healthy and prepping them for the winter. But it really depends how many hives he will have and if it's hobby or part-time job for him. This is the minimum amount of visits required, but if he lives nearby you may see him more often. DM me if more details are needed.