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[–]al-Amira 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Research assistant, not a job I actually want, but it's nothing more than a stepping stone for me, acquire some real life work experience before I move on academically. I wanted to become a teacher when I was younger but I'm so utterly terrible at teaching and explaining that it's not something I could actually pursue, not that I actually mind since I'm pretty satisified with my current plans.

If I could or rather if I had to choose anything, anything at all that can't be related to what I'm currently pursuing... explorer/tomb raider (ok - that last part sounds a bit, immoral)... the type of person that goes on expiditions or tries to find hidden treasures. The search for the Incan city of Paititi continues into the 21st centuryt, and there are those that dive for treasures that was supposed to be carried from Mesoamerica to Europe during the colonization/conquest/occupation/whatever word you'd like to use of the Americas, but sunk to the bottom of the oceans instead.