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[–]HeyImSancho 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The private prison systems have been doing this for years. They basically are responsible for something over 90% of all manufactured paint.

The private prison systems I think are the driving force behind the new 'Made in America' brands. I remember a solar panel company that truly prided itself in being made in America, and Solarcity was losing out to this marketing approach, so they're answer to combat this, was also, 'made in America' panels, but they were made in a prison, with the slave labor.

Aside from that though, prison is our current means of punishment. There are obvious caveats to that. I think they should promote reform, and skills. I think a prison should be self sufficient in many ways; instead of slave labor for profit, they should be learning to grow their own food, learn to sew their own clothes, maintain the prison themselves. Have it well regulated, and open to the public for oversight. In that way, they won't be 'rats in cages', but allowed to have some simple pride in themselves, and also for what they do for their fellow inmates.