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[–]boston_blackie[S] 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

OP Here:

I realize this is not a revelation to Saidit, but it's important to get this message out that we will not go along with this. The digital dollar is the end of Freedom and the end of America as we know it.

The point of digital currency? Track and tax EVERY purchase you make. Prevent you from buying ammunition, drugs etc. and be able to put expiration dates on your money!! Think outside the box? Lose your ability to buy food. Won't get the shot? "Sorry your account seems to be frozen sir."

Next step: Unite all the worlds digital currency to one currency - The Satano? Quatloos? The Davos? or just your Scifi standard; credits?

Say No to this radical, dangerous globalist scheme.

EDIT: Say goodbye to any kind of casual transaction like buying a used bike for your kid; it will be logged, and taxed. It's a crime you have to pay sales tax for used shite on ebay. With digital currency it will be the rule and no exceptions. No more bucks to you kids. No more paying cash for services or have the neighbor kid cut your grass. All logged, tracked, taxed and analyzed. Data mining will be ever-present and Minority Report may become our future. Ammunition may become the coin of the realm for bartering.

EDIT2: This is a great 15 minute watch and article.