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[–]scryforhelp 8 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah no. Gays, lesbians, and bisexuals got gay marriage legalized and for the most part peace between us and straight folks. Majority tolerance and general acceptance was enough. You cant win over everyone. We were united to such a point that when we realized its the financial institutions fucking us and started working together they shut that shit down reaaal quick and started forcing division between races, sexes, classes, and sexual orientation. Those same institutions that fly the mutilated rainbow flag with its BLMBBQBIPOCPOS...

Then trains come along, taking advantage of their opportunity to have billion dollar corporations parade them around and promote their bullshit and what do they do? They try to force the whole world to bow to their every whim and do it all while hiding behind our bodies so we ALL go down with them. Typical narcissists.

They have set us back so far and for so little. All it would have took was telling the mentally unwell person to shut the fuck up because they need therapy, not a god damn promotion to steer this ship.
