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[–]PenseePansyBio-Sex or Bust 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

People still use "partner" super often as well, which just feels like you're intentionally hiding the sex of your partner.

It also makes it sound (to me, anyway) like, instead of you being a couple... you're a law firm. Rather lacking in romance! Seems weirdly impersonal.

Yeah, the appeal of these neutered, bloodless terms is lost on me, too. Personally, I'm fond of using "bae" for a girlfriend/"boo" for a boyfriend-- creative and cute (imo), but without this strange "biological sex? what's THAT?" vibe, plus it's well-suited to bi people, since it comes in both a male and a female version. But of course, the good ol' fashioned girlfriend/wife or boyfriend/husband works just fine.

Maybe these gender-neutral terms are yet ANOTHER way of catering to the "kweers"-- so as to protect them from the horrible truth that they're really, yanno, straight. If all the SSA people are referring to their boyfriends/husbands and girlfriends/wives as "partners", then the spicy straights can pretend that they aren't actually always dating/married to someone of the opposite sex. And thereby keep their "I'm sooooo GAYYYY" delusions intact. Not, of course, that they're fooling anyone besides themselves.