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[–]TransspeciesUnicornI sexually identify as a mythical sparkly equine 22 insightful - 3 fun22 insightful - 2 fun23 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Can we stop with the "same-sex" shit please??

This is funny considering a lot of them have been insisting that transwomen ARE female and transmen ARE male. So by their logic a transwoman/woman couple or transman/man couple would actually be "same-sex" anyway. Yet another instance of them telling on themselves, lol. If they really believed that transwomen are female and transmen are male the term "same-sex" wouldn't offend them.

centered on a stranger's genitals

It's seriously so irritating how disingenuous TRAs/gendershits are about the "sToP rEdUcInG pEoPlE tO tHeIr GeNiTaLs" crap. Like seriously quit acting like penis vs vagina is the only difference between males and females, it really fucking isn't. They're the ones who hear the terms "male" and "female" and immediately think "penis" and "vagina", so I'd say it seems like they're the ones who are fixated on genitals. Since y'know they keep ignoring all the other differences like gonads, width of the hips and shoulders, facial hair or lack thereof, average height, voice pitch, etc.

two people who were born with what contemporary medicine refers to as a vagina

How do you actually type something this ludicrous unironically. How did you not feel completely ridiculous writing that.