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[–]PenseePansyBio-Sex or Bust 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The overwhelming majority of murders against trans people are committed by straight men against same-sex attracted prostitute transwomen in developing countries.

And it's not because they're "trans", I don't think-- that being just an idea in one's head, a "gender identity" which nobody else is privy to. Rather, they're targeted for being prostitutes (thus seen as disposable), the same way women are, plus violating gender-roles. In fact, I'm convinced that whatever discrimination "trans" people genuinely experience always comes down to the latter: it's no different than what any woman who's perceived as insufficiently "feminine", or man who's perceived as insufficiently "masculine", faces-- doesn't matter how you "identify", or even whether you're straight. To be a masculine woman, feminine man, or androgynous person of either sex is seen as an Offense Against All Things Good And Decent, deserving of condemnation, even violence. The irony is that, by reinforcing the idea of gender, "trans" people make such hostility towards them (as well as anyone else perceived as GNC, notably those who are same-sex attracted) much more likely.