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[–]HelloMomo 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

When I was in elementary school, I got in trouble a couple times for kicking classmates, mostly boys. Not fights; not two-way things. Just unreciprocated kicking. Namely this one boy, who'd keep coming over to us at recess because he was a simp for my friend (which I kinda was too, to be fair).

I remember my mom sitting me down after one of the times I got in trouble, and saying something along the lines of "You are female, and also the second shortest kid in your class. If you keep this behavior up, someone is going to beat the shit out of you someday." I didn't give her words a second thought. By middle school I had grown out of that behavior anyways, and so it never really became an issue.

But I remember her words now, reading this.