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In terms of sure consequences fine no one is saying women don't in large experience most violent sexual crimes. I am just saying to me this a bit off topic when we are talking about how FTMs are objectifying gay men or saying this has anything to do with some change in heterosexuality compared to in the past. This wasn't a post about who suffers more.

The second comment again I don't know where you are getting that women as a whole are opting out of womanhood/heterosexuality. People online make up a minuscule part of the population. When I go outside and not online the girls I talk to most are dating guys or are married. I mean even online I see tons of those relationships. The amount of people that are GNC as women I only really see at my university campus and literally no where else. Might just be where I live but still women aren't opting of heterosexuality they are opting out of relationships entirely and living in fantasy. Men are also doing the same if not at higher rates. Those that actually get into relationships the vast majority are hetrosexual. I mean even on here we have tons of GNC guys and girls pretending to be gay but are still hetro.

I mean it's just anecdotal I have talked to dudes who feel the same way as bi guys or bi curious thinking they should see if men would be better off for them. I would argue men having sex with men (ignoring the trans issue) had way more stigma even a decade ago than I would argue today. At least it felt that way for me as a teen. As a result more guys are open and subcultures have become more popular. That doesn't mean men are abandoning heterosexuality in large. Gay acceptance within the West at least and online has probably made it a bit easier for people to be public about their preference or experimentation but in large the population still orientates to hetro relationships.

To deal with porn the connection you are making ignores plenty of women who consensually want to be part of acts such as that. 50 Shades of Grey was not written or consumed by men. It also ignores that pornography in some studies have been found to reduce sexual aggression. Is there likely harmful effects of addiction and twisting sexual expectations yes but it's a heavily contested topic and I wouldn't know the degree it does. It's not like sexually repressive societies where porn is banned are better off. Plus sure some addicted FTM fujos are attracted to the soft boy aesthetic plenty are deeply addicted to porn they found of their own volition some of which is pretty violent (I have been around yaoi spaces occasionally enough). Men do consume more of it but this does ignore how these "violent" depictions are often still within porn/erotica largely consumed and made by women.

Finally I mean pornography doesn't just mean professional porn stars or people forced into prostitution either due to human trafficking or poverty. There is more amateur and women controlled porn which now is an increasing factor due to stuff like Only Fans. I mean you just mentioned drawn porn which again is pretty much the definition of safe at least for the creator. Of course we have addictions and that does contribute to these over idealized fantasies trans people in general have. Though again it's a result of an increasing lack of socialization in my personal opinion.

Personally I see porn as vice but it's vice like any other such as gambling, alcohol, recreational drugs or fatty foods. Inherently in small doses it's not harmful but as social isolation increases people are becoming too infatuated with these things to fill holes/failings in their lives. They all give you quick kicks of pleasure. As with all of these vices you go after the obviously exploitative/harmful stuff (drinking age, human trafficking ,restrictions of gambling, banning lethal or highly addictive drugs) the rest you have to just encourage moderation and try to aim at other problems that lead people to abuse these vices in the first place. You never will effectively ban any of this at the end of the day.