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[–]CuntWorshiperWomenholic full time | vagina fetishist part-time 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Sexuality does not change. All transgenders are self hating. If they hate themselves so much to the point of fucking their bodies up with ‘transitioning’ is not hard to believe that they are just self hating of their sexual orientation too.

I have seen many times heterosexual ftm aka ‘trans gays’ saying they want to be gay men because they hate ‘liking men as a woman’ due of misogyny or the double standards that generally put women in disadvantage on het dynamics, I suppose. So technically in their mind their sexuality changed because due to their delusions their label changed, they went from straight woman to gay man, but in reality their sexuality itself did not changed at all, they are exclusively attracted to men like they always were. Anyone that can be loyal to material reality can acknowledge they are heterosexual females. That apply to lesbians ‘het transmen’ and gays ‘het transwomen’.

For the bisexuals, the ones that ‘started’ to like a different sex demographic, they are bisexual. I have heard many times of bisexual’s sexual preferences changing over time, they used to prefer one sex over the other and eventually their preference switch; from normal “cis” bisexuals and the transgenders alike. That said, I don’t think it’s all on the fact these people are confused and can’t decide, there’s also the self hating aspect of it. For example, a mtf that claim he only liked women pre-transition and ‘suddenly start to like men’ post transition was probably in the closet and liked men the whole time hence why he wanted to be a woman and transitioned in the first place. Most of those types, hate the fact they are gay. They rather force themselves into be with women or pretend to be into women in order to be a straight guy or ‘become a woman’ so they can be with men and ‘remain straight’ than just accept they are gay.

As for types like Gigi Gorgeous and Riley Dennis that exclusively dated men before transitioning and then started to date women post transitioning are just dishonest bisexuals really. They aren’t gays that became straight, they are just bisexuals. Probably could not lay a woman in ‘boy mode’ because they were extremely feminine men or did not thought they were supposed to like women because they wer extremely feminine but once they ‘became women’ they get more comfortable to be honest with themselves. There’s also the label misuse too to confuse people even more. They always label themselves based on their delusions instead of reality. Gigi is a good example of it, this guy have said he’s gay when he dated men, said he’s lesbian when he met his wife, and now he’s gay again because his wife now pretends to be a man. I bet if he eventually divorce from her and start to date a real men he’ll keep calling himself gay then start to date a ‘cis woman’ he’ll call himself lesbian again. In reality he’s just bi. There’s also the ones that sincerely just learned their bisexuality but instead of recognizing they are bisexual they claim they ‘went from gay to straight’ or ‘went from straight to gay’ but as I said this is not a transgender’s thing, that’s a bisexual’s thing in general. There’s plenty of “cis” bi men and women that do it, laterboom “gays” and “lesbians” can give you an idea.

[–]Elvira95Viva la figa 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This. If you have enjoyed years of relationships and sex with opposite sex and then at some point discover a preferance for the same. that makes you bi, not gay. It's just so dumb how this people can't use the word bi, and need to pretend to be something they're not