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[–]jiljol 15 insightful - 2 fun15 insightful - 1 fun16 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Many of the founding figures of radical feminism made their position quite clear in their writings: male homosexuality is a form of extreme hatred of women. Gynephilic men may be out there brutally torturing, raping and murdering women, but it is in gay men that one can apparrently find the most profound form of misogyny.

“The Christian tradition — based on male anxiety from the Hebrew tradition — takes the fear of the female to even greater extremes. During the Middle Ages celibacy (which is related to rear of the female) produced such strong anxieties that both self-castration and sodomy existed.”

- Leslie B. Tanner

“Men's liberationists always bring up ‘confronting their own feelings about men’ by which they mean homosexuality. Male homosexuality is an extension of the reactionary club (meaning both group and weapon). The growth of gay liberation carries contempt for women to the ultimate: total segregation. The desire of men to ‘explore their homosexuality’ really means encouraging the possibility of homosexuality as a reaction against feminist demands. This is the reason the movement for “gay rights” received much more support only after women's liberation became a mass movement.”

- Carol Hanisch

Interesting to note is that this cartoony characterization of gay men as these woman-hating monsters is shared by people from across the political spectrum: far-right groups will call us mentally-ill degenerates who should be "fixed" of our "aversion", woke leftists will call us transphobic bigots who should be "fixed" of our "aversion", second-wave feminists will call us misogynists who should be "fixed" of our "aversion", etc. The nicest of radfems will tell you that sure, homophobia exists, but it is merely an unintended consequence of women's oppression - a simple footnote. Who can forget that time radfem Meghan Murphy from Feminist Current descended from her ivory tower just days after Ireland legalized same-sex marriage to inform us mortals that no, she is not going to "celebrate" this event and that people should instead be fighting for women's rights (ignoring the effect this law has on lesbian women) and ultimately the total abolition of marriage. How about that time failed-actress-turned-activist libfem Rose McGowan claimed that not only are gay men misogynistic, we are in fact MORE misogynistic than men of other sexual orientations.

My advice is to judge a person's character based on who they are as individuals and not on their group affiliation.

[–]insta 11 insightful - 4 fun11 insightful - 3 fun12 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

male homosexuality is a form of extreme hatred of women.

When you're so self absorbed you think someone else's sexuality is all about you.