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[–][deleted] [score hidden] stickied comment (2 children)

Good lord y'all, this thread is NOT your excuse to shit all over bisexuals as a class. Sorry OP.

We're all in this together as LGBDropTheT. TQ+ is attacking all sexual orientations, and as we've all seen recently, even heteros. TQ+ is also trying to legally mandate the word "sex" out of existence, which affects all of us.

Some of you seem very enmeshed in your sense of victimization, and blame bisexuals for the harm and trauma you've experienced. If you could look beyond that, maybe you could empathize with OP and find common ground. Or, if you hate bisexuals so much, stay out of bisexual threads maybe? Head on over to a non-bisexual sub and rant it out? You have options.

This is not the Oppression Olympics, and we won't tolerate bringing that kind of behavior here. We allow the airing of our dirty laundry, but you have to stay on-topic and be respectful/civil to each other.

We do not allow biphobia in this sub, and we don't particularly care if you think it doesn't exist. If this behavior persists, bans will be handed out.

[–][deleted] 4 insightful - 5 fun4 insightful - 4 fun5 insightful - 5 fun -  (1 child)

No we're not you stupid bisexual skank. Unlike Bisexuals, gay men are ACTUALLY discriminated against by TRAs. It's not our fault or problem that Bisexuals want to be gay until it gets too hard, so they go off and breed with some other stupid slut.

Bisexuals need to shut the fuck up and learn their place. They can CHOOSE to opt-out of being gay whenever they want.

You're fuckign stupid.

[–]throwaway999 17 insightful - 1 fun17 insightful - 0 fun18 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Idiots like you affirm the idea that any criticism of some bisexuals only comes from a place of hate. You don't speak for anyone here.