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[–]schomee 15 insightful - 2 fun15 insightful - 1 fun16 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

She deleted her tweet because she probably got called out for it. I checked. What a little rapist. You know she's sexually harassing him or trying to make his life hell. These people eventually do grow up and become adults...and all these FTM people are adults. Theyre not cute, misguided teen girls.

Fuck the gays and lesbians who ruined the entire fucking gay community to the point where now younger gays and lesbians have to be walking on egg shells around these rapists who have a psychotic hatred for us because we're literally just homosexuals. This clearly isnt a phase for them. I've heard stories of a lesbian (yes, a real one) who worked at a library and her boss ended up being some "transbian" or whatever and he obviously fucking knew she never saw him as a fellow lesbian. But she was submissive, pathetic, obsequious and even that wasnt enough. They need you to clap like a seal for them. And it made her life hell. And im guessing gays are going to get it a lot worse because at least lesbians can do the whole "help! help! im a woman!". Gay guys still have that "im a male" so my rape or sexual harassment or dehumanization is ok" shit thrown at them.

At least she took it down but now theyre just going to hide it better. It's not like she'll go up to her worker and tell him, "im going to make your life a living hell because you wont let me fuck you". It's just months of torture until he quits for the most bullshit of reasons. "he dont fuck with trans gays". In case you people dont know what that means from ghetto speak to english: "he's extremely hostile to me simply by not validating me and i have the right to attack".

And being her "aide" means he's most likely younger and desperate for the job or money. Jesus fucking christ.

Most of this twitter dehumanization started by sneaking people into categories they dont even belong in: white gays and lesbians are stabbed for fun and gay males have the highest hate crime rates within the 500 letter acronym but theyre grouped in with straight/bi males as if we're best buddies with them and the homophobia spreads like wildfire on twitter with the whole "cis white gays" bullshit.

Lesbians still face homophobia but theyre incessantly criticized for being "white cis lesbians". Again, it's all this "white" bullshit that tries to pass everyone they want to dehumanize as privileged when these are literally hyper narcissistic straight people. There are actual "straight white men" in wigs lecturing gays and lesbians on their privilege lol.

[–]verystablegenius 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

wonderful comment. thank you.