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[–][deleted]  (3 children)


    [–][deleted] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

    I'm with you. I'm not talking about GNC people, I agree that and crossdressing has always existed regardless of sexual orientation. I'm talking specifically about heterosexuals identifying as homosexuals. That's where I look to history and see no precedence. Even in societies where homosexual behaviors were more tolerated. Where were the heterosexual females in ancient Rome "identifying" out of the female class, and into the class of men who have sex with men? Where were the men who called themselves "women who have sex with other women"? GNC and people who don't conform to gender roles have always existed, but they never denounced their heterosexuality. this obsession with identifying as homosexuals is completely new and only enabled due to the internet and in countries where the privilege makes it possible to do so.

    Edit: I am completely fine with people with gender dysphoria seeking treatment. Transsexualism will always exist now that medical capabilities have made medical transition possible, because there will always be extreme cases where gender dysphoria is best treated with transition. That's fine. Just don't claim to be a homosexual because of it.