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[–]strictly 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I actually compiled a list of all trans-exclusionary lesbian subreddits

You named three subreddit with "cis" in the name so these subreddits are only for the few lesbians who have gender identities. It's clear that reddit is against lesbians being free. So if you see this subreddits as "proof" that reddit allows female homosexuality, reddit only allows female homosexuality for lesbians who agree to adopt this "cisgender" gender identity as trans activists deems it transphobic of non-trans people not adopt sex as a gender identity. Banning lesbians for not having gender identities is wrong, just as it wrong to ban lesbians for being lesbians, the mind should be free too.

And personally I don't really care if a lesbian sub is trans-exclusionary, I care about it being male-exclusionary. I'm fine with lesbians who identify as "non-binary" etc using lesbian spaces (some of them probably identify like that as that is the only way to not have gender identity and not be labeled a bigot by trans activists, or because they have bought into the false trans narrative that all non-trans people would have gender identities). If someone is a homosexual female (aka a female who is exclusively attracted to those of the same reproductive sex) she is a lesbian, gender identity has nothing to do with that.