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[–][deleted]  (1 child)


    [–]exponent2 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    If people were rewarded based on their contribution to what they did for their larger groups, lesbians would be walking around in capes right now being knighted for their contrbutions to womens rights but they really get nothing in return. All that happens is that gay people end up hating lesbians because the lesbians end up "choosing" the heterosexuals over their own kind (homosexuals) so the lesbians arent welcomed into gay spaces...and then lesbians end up getting rejected by the women they help because again...theyre heterosexuals. Again, i always thought the division between gays and lesbians was insane and then i started seeing why it happened. All lesbian energy goes into contributing to heterosexual womens lives and comforts at the expense of their own homosexual rights. And then you go online now and bisexual women are lecturing know, their "allies" on how they need to focus their attention on resources on BIGGER victims than lesbians....bisexual and straight women and domestic abuse. Like....these were the people voting against gay marriage for lesbians not so long ago lol.

    And the biggest homophobes are women. Except gays tend to be idiots and not notice it because all the homophobia bisexual and straight women have is reserved for their dating partners: "why wont you be a man and do whatever i say? Are you a FggT?" every 3 seconds, thats what comes out of their mouths. Straight and bi women perpetuate homophobia as well. I remember in the 90's straight women tolerated gay men as accessories and pets and were violently, viscerally disgusted by lesbians. So i dont know where lesbians got this idea theyre magical friends with women. It was gay men who had to teach them that if you're friends with gay men, then you shouldnt insult or at least keep your hatred of lesbians in private. And in gay clubs, where it was mostly gay men and their straight girlfriends. I remember when lesbians would come into the gay bar looking for friends. At the time, they were young and innocent and didnt understand how the world worked. Lesbians shouldnt have been in the gay clubs because they were filled with straight women. I felt bad for them. All the girls would be busy dancing with gay guys but the sneers, the disgust and the looks the straight girls gave them. They would just stand there and confused why no one would talk to them. The gays couldnt talk to them because then their straight women friends would punish them for it for "betraying" them and when a lesbian young girl would accidently approach a straight girl confusing her for a was the biggest insult for a straight girl for the lesbian girl to even confuse her for such a disgusting thing. Again, most of lesbian history is honestly a disaster "friendship" with straight women and a resentful relationship with gay men because of what they see as betrayal. And the funny thing is, when lesbians made massive sacrifices to help organize women...advancing peoples rights pisses EVERYONE off. You need a scapegoat and imagine an entire country..the nation of america scapegoating the superminority of lesbians for womens rights. Lesbians became the face to spit on when it came to womanhood and it gave them nothing in return. My sister, who's a straight girl who GREATLY benefits from lesbian work..looks down on "feminists" and thinks theyre all "a bunch of worthless lesbians". Lesbians dont benefit from the advancement of womanhood because lesbians arent seen as women. It's like they learn nothing from gay people. Gay men dont benefit from the patriarchy because they arent seen as men. And intelligent gays and lesbians accepted that. We just see ourselves as aliens from another culture and planet. And it's worked out great for us TEMPORARILY. In the west, gays and lesbians used to be seen as a disgusting cancer everyone was too ashamed to be associated with. But when it slowly turned and we became the face of progress and liberalism, suddenly EVERYONE had a fucking letter to add to the LGBTQ28282 acronym. Sapiosexual: straight women attracted to intelligence... lol yes as if thats a sexuality. And when statistics came out showing gays and lesbians were high earners, well they were no longer considered degenerates and their identity became a brand. I dont think gay activists were idiots but i think that they always thought our gay/lesbian community was some sort of secret magical land we would always have to ourselves because heterosexuals/bisexuals would never want to associate with us or BE us. They could never have imagined such a problem because they thought the homophobia is infused into their bones...and it is..but apparently they just really like the "branding" of queer??