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[–]dreamgermsbisexual nightmare 8 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

You can't say you're fighting for the abolition of gender and be a non-binary ass-hat that prob have shitty straight sex

This is my issue with these people. By buying into the whole non-binary identity or transgender ideology, you’re merely buying into regressive gender roles. Even worse, you’re trying to insist that people who don’t fall into those rigid stereotypes are actually people of the opposite sex! How is this any different from conservatives or religious zealots? How is telling gender nonconforming women that they are actually non-binary anything but saying “you’re not actually a woman because you don’t behave or look like we think women should behave and look.” How does anyone but teenagers fall for that crap? It’s disgusting, regressive politics disguised as “woke” progressive thought.

Liking vaginas or dicks, or both isnt a fetish or a preference, you disgusting indivuals

Again, a bunch of regressive politics dressed up as progressive thought. We didn’t fight for years for people to see our sexuality as innate and fixed for a bunch of degenerates to come along and tell us we were bigots for our same-sex attraction. Bullying people into questioning their sexuality is NOT woke activism, it’s homophobia. Don’t get even me started on how medical trans-ing is essentially conversation therapy.

theres clowns everywhere and i can't say shit on my social medias whitout being demolished so I'll just vent here

It’s ridiculous that we can’t talk openly about this without being swarmed and doxxed by trans people and their handmaidens. I’m glad for places like this, Ovarit, /r/GenderCritical (even though it’s gone), radical feminists on Tumblr, etc. Each time we talk about this, share our thoughts, and challenge the status quo, more people are exposed to gender critical thought and the LGBAlliance, and more like-minded people find a space they can talk freely. This aggressive approach by the trans community will backfire in the long-run. Things like the #SuperStraight movement proves it. For every person that gets harassed, attacked, silenced, and cancelled, you get dozens of people who are “peaked”. Hang in there <3 I know it’s hard.