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[–]AugustiJade 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I have always considered myself a very open minded person. I have always upheld the idea that everyone deserves a better life, unless they hurt others. I was supportive of the trans crowd because my thought was that these are people whom are just trying to live their lives. "They're not hurting anyone", I thought. That was until I started getting to know them... They were, the majority anyway, overwhelmingly narcissistic. They weren't concerned with living a "normal life". They wanted everyone to know that they're trans and damn well everyone, even complete strangers, had to know it and accept it.

So, I started backing away from supporting them. The trouble with narcissists is that they must always have a victim. It's all about power to them. So it wasn't about letting them use toilet without being discriminated against - it was always about taking absolute control.

It is really no surprise that Aimee was a power mod on Reddit. And I'm certain he played a big part in having the lesbian subs banned. These are loser men with extreme fetishes and severe personality disorders whom would otherwise not be welcome in most spaces, that utilise being a "minority" to gain power they otherwise they would never get.

[–]BEB 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There was a small Iranian study (I think 70 or so) of transgender-identified males (IIRC there were no females) that found that they did have a much higher % of Narcissistic Personality Disorder than the general population.

In my experience, that has been the case - staggering amounts of narcissism among transgender-identified males, especially the autogynephiles (AGPs).