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[–]Alma_Esmeraude 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

1: I hate this clownworld timeline where people bend over backwards to use this dude's "preferred pronouns", because they'll fear being banned or to be "polite". This dude is not a woman and his behavior screams "man with a fetish". This is a deluded, predatory man. And this insistence of politeness, constant tiptoeing is why these TW keep getting shielded and coddled for their behavior.

2: I hope I'm wrong, but if Reddit does acknowledge the controversy and releases a public statement they will feign total ignorance to protect the clique in their org. There's no way that a person with this type of history could be hired in total ignorance, and it strains credulity that NO ONE did any background checks at any step of the hiring process. Even a laywoman like me, with no access to databases, in another country, can do a Google search and find out this dude's history. Even those Google results could not be scrubbed because it was such a scandal, major news organizations were publishing articles about it. This dude was so radioactive that multiple political parties dropped him and disavowed his involvement. There's no way they didn't know. If Reddit do drop him (and I'm cynical that they will because they're bending over backwards to scrub even mentions of his name), then it'll only be to protect the rest of their clique. The rot must be deep at Reddit.

[–]EveSerpentFiregender Mon-Fri / Pyrogender Wknds & Holidays 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Like attracts like. They knew what he’d done when they hired him.