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[–]dreamgermsbisexual nightmare 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I agree completely. Postmodernism just plagues some academic thinking. People get too immersed in theory and ideas, and they lose touch with material reality. Then you end up with people using circular logic to define words (“I feel like a woman, so I am a woman!”) because they reject definitions grounded in objective observations. Biology isn’t 100%, with regard to intersex conditions and related phenomena, so that justifies them rejecting it for this nebulous lunacy about gender identity. These people refuse to agree with you about objective facts and seek to alter how other people use language and muddle the meaning of words which used to have clear definitions to most people. It’s almost impossible to argue with them because you have no starting point with them; it’s agree with everything or you’re a bigot. It’s so absurd.