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[–]JulienMayfair 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

In a way, there should really be a new sexual term for cis men (and maybe women, too) who are specifically into transwomen who still have male genitalia. I say that because I fooled around with a "curious" guy back in college who afterwards said that what he really wanted was "a chick with a dick."

I don't get it myself, but that's what he wanted. It's like he wanted someone who he could interact with as a woman, but who had a penis. That turned him on. And he was someone who would have said he was gay if he was.

[–]Taln_Reich 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I kind of suggested something like that before elsewhere:

So, my solution is, to consider "genital preferences" a component of sexual orientation, with (for clarity of communication) or qualifier for this component being added to the sexual orientation. So far I've come up with the provisional labels of "CGP" ("Congurent Genital Preference" - requiering that secondary characteristics and primary ones are in allignment, e.g. men must have penisses and women must have vaginas), "NGP" ("No Genital Preference" - no requierement for secondary and primary sexual characteristics to align, e.g. pre-button-surgery transgender people of the correct gender are ok) and "IGP" ("Incongurent Genital Preference" - requierment for secondary and primary sexual characteristics to be at odds. This is primarily to weirdo-proof this system) (Note: these labels may need some workshopping. If someone has good proposals, I'm listening). So a bisexual woman who needs her men to have a penis and her women to have vaginas would be a CGP-Bisexual, while a man who is open to women with vaginas and pre-op trans women would be a NGP-Heterosexual.

And, yes, I admit the word "preferrence" (implying a choice) might be a bit problematic, which is why I said that these labels might requiere some workshopping.