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[–]GoValidateYourselfuseful lesbian 22 insightful - 1 fun22 insightful - 0 fun23 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Just from personal experience, myself and the grand total of three (3) millennial/gen-z lesbians I know, including my partner, went through phases where we identified as bi, nonbinary, trans, pan, or asexual, or combinations of these. 5 years ago I was deep in TRA woo woo, and all my friends at my QSU identified as some flavor of trans or enby or pan. One guy was a normal gay gay, and that was it. I didn't know any self-identified lesbians, at all. Not until I left that circle and met one, and got to be friends with her and her gf. They broke up eventually but I stayed friends with both.

Growing up, I knew an older lesbian couple that lived on the next block, they always came to the block party in the summer, and neighborhood events. So until I was 20, I had known 4 lesbians in my life, 1 elderly couple and 1 young couple. I did know lots of trans people, and enbies, and bi and "queer" girls (most of whom only dated men but liked women celebrities) once I got to college.

I think part of it is stigma, causing dis-identification with the lesbian label. Also a minefield of identity politics, what you described as the woke crowd, eager to go on cancelling sprees for the tiniest offense.

The trans shit really turns a lot of women away too, b/c they don't want to become an acceptable target for transwomen bullies. If they come out as lesbian and get bullied into putting up with dick, why bother coming out? Isn't it easier to stay closeted and put up with dick with a non-mentally disturbed man?