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[–]Preachy_Jerk 14 insightful - 3 fun14 insightful - 2 fun15 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

I was with you until you compared slavery and the Holocaust to people being detained after voluntarily committing a crime. My nephew got put in a cage for a few days in the UK when they discovered his plans to work under the table. He's super white. That's kinda one of the things about the modern international order of independent states, hundreds of years in the making. If you disregard their laws, you might get put in a cage.

Yes, there's a shitty humanitarian crisis at the border that's been there since Joe Biden got into politics half a century ago. Much of the reason why it's there is because the very people who should be "making it the fuck happen" and "creating their own spaces", i.e. making those countries better places to live, are leaving instead. There's no good reason why so many Mexicans should be without running water and good schools - the fabulously wealthy Mexican elite are grateful for the political pressure release valve that is the US border. It's bizarre to me that so many Americans think encouraging people to risk death and rape walking across the desert to get a job as a slave in a poultry factory is a humanitarian gesture.

Instead of "kids in cages" - which obviously sucks, and had more to do with rampant child trafficking amidst a massive, continuous human migration than with racism, and was going on during the Obama/Biden administration and nobody cared - maybe a better example would be the people (especially sexual minorities) who got bombs dropped on their heads and have been living through hell since Biden teamed up with Bush to launch the Iraq war. Or the gays being persecuted by militia after Obama/Biden overthrew the Libyan government. Or the millions forced from their homes when Obama/Biden dumped money and weapons into the Syrian civil war.

They say politics makes strange bedfellows, but sheesh! The bad orange man isn't president anymore. You got the corrupt and senile mass murderer you wanted, and destroyed women's spaces and women's sports to do it. Maybe you could quit it with the woke dog whistles for your dopamine fix, so we can find our way out of this hell?

[–]tu_jode_mucho 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yea probably not the best comparison I admit that. Just trying to convey the point that they don't have to piggyback on another group's struggle to validate their own, which as you said is really rooted in their own country's elite making their homeland a shithole. Thanks for your input.