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[–]OPPRESSED_REPTILIANIntersex male | GNC | Don't call me "a gay", "twink" or "queen" 17 insightful - 2 fun17 insightful - 1 fun18 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

I'm team "throw away the entire LGBT because it was a bad idea to begin with," personally.

Because I'm intersex and tired of being treated as subhuman "he-she" scum and/or an argument point to "prove" nonbinary.

Because I'm tired of being told I have "internalized homophobia" and can't think for myself because I don't agree with the liberal LGBT status quo.

Because "love is love" "ur fabulous" and other crappy LGBT activism doesn't help people in need, and things that would actually help people are deemed "homophobic" or "transphobic."

Because gay stereotypes and sexism are neither funny, brave, or entertaining, and actively harm people.

Because I don't believe there's anything "wrong" with me being intersex & extremely physically feminine, and both the G and T telling me I need to either take more testosterone to "be a real man" or telling me to "transition to female" can both fuck off.

Because I don't believe in black and white thinking, nor hiveminds such as "The LGBT community" the "LGB community" or "the gay community." Having a sexual orientation doesn't mean you think a certain way and are inherently unified with other people.

Because I do not fit in with anything LGBT+, never will, and don't want to.

Because I believe LGBT+ is harmful to kids and teenagers and is a bad influence, and may even be used for pedophilia at worst. At best it just teaches people unhealthy lifestyles.

Because I come from what is considered an "anti LGBT" country that's doing just fine in regards to sexuality, same goes for some other countries, because LGBT+ believe that not submitting to their every whim is "oppression."

Because I have actually gone through hardships in life for many reasons, and I'm not just an American west coast comfortable or rich attention seeker who thinks that being gay or trans is SOOOO HARD and makes your life harder than anyone else's, even if you live in a mansion and are a celebrity.

Because "LGBT rights" nearly always means privileges, and I refuse to accept being granted stupid bonuses for my sexuality that no one else gets.

Because LGBT "activism" is trying to purposefully take away my right, and the rights of others, to happiness and recovery.

Because LGBT+ won't stop fucking lying about my country, and other non-Western countries, to fuel their agenda. Because people believe every fucking little lie about Russia randomly picking gay men off the street and murdering them when there's no proof and it literally doesn't happen. Meanwhile Americans of many kinds get abused and it gets looked over- people just want to point fingers so they don't have to think about how awful their own country is.

Because "LGBT history" is worthless to young people and I don't give a fuck who did what at Stonewall; it doesn't affect my sexuality nor how I should feel now. I don't care how "old" trans is, that doesn't make it right, and I don't care if ancient Greek nobles were gay, that doesn't mean being homosexual is a blessing for me where I get to sit in a palace.

Because I truly believe LGBT is the most vile "movement" or fad for 50+ years and it needs to come to an end.

[–]Gender_Critical 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Fuck anyone who co-opts someone with a legitimate, verifiable medical issue and uses it to further their own agenda.

Now I don’t have a dog in this race, but I’ve always kind of wondered if the I belonged in LGBT.

For what is worth, I’ve never seen anyone form the intersex community make death threats or try to bully others into finding them attractive, unlike TRAs.