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[–]PenseePansyBio-Sex or Bust 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Yeah: this is what you get when taking "biological sex ain't real, only GENDER is!!!" to its (il)logical conclusion.

So the trans-dumbassery goes as follows: "man" = the male gender-role; "woman" = the female gender-role. If you fit the female gender-role, you are by definition a woman. The female gender-role requires attraction to men, and exhibiting various behavioral qualities coded "feminine". Ergo, if you are attracted to men, especially should you exhibit any of these "feminine" qualities... you are a woman. (Never mind your dick & balls.) A STRAIGHT woman, of course. So you'll want to attract straight men. Which is no problem, since you're already the right gender! Just pile on all the cultural symbols for "female" (women's clothes, hairstyles, makeup; "girly" mannerisms; boob-job, perhaps accompanied by inside-out dick), and you're good to go.

... except, of course: not so much. Cuz, as everyone here already knows, the OS that straight, gay, and bi actually run on is biological sex. But the trans-cultists NEED it to be gender! Otherwise their whole stupid belief system falls apart! So they have to keep preaching this homophobic, misogynistic, idiotic, reality-defying bullshit. There's no such thing as gay men who've been brainwashed into thinking they're women, only "straight transwomen"! Straight guys will TOTES fuck them! It completely makes sense! Really! It DOES! Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! REEEEE

What I've been wondering for a while now is whether transgenderism's intrinsic homophobia may be its undoing. (PLEASE god, let this abomination HAVE one!...) Say that the gay-male "transwomen" start thinking that they can show the kind of sexual entitlement towards straight men that the "transbians" do towards lesbians. Of course the het dudes won't stand for that. Which women and LGB people have long thought (and hoped) would be the breaking point, but perhaps that'll really come when... the het dudes with LADYFEELZ join them. In attacking those gay men. Whom both groups of straight bros despise. You know the slurs they'll hurl, and the contempt they'll display. Because, when all is said and done... trans is a straight man's game.

And then the trans movement will rupture. Gay men on one side; straight fetishists on the other. Which will hopefully break its back for good.

Does this scenario seem plausible to anyone else? Or just so much wishful thinking on my part?

[–]hetisachoice[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah: this is what you get when taking "biological sex ain't real, only GENDER is!!!" to its (il)logical conclusion.

The opposite is true. The g-word is fake and nothing but one demeaning stereotype after.