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[–]CuntWorshiperWomenholic full time | vagina fetishist part-time 23 insightful - 2 fun23 insightful - 1 fun24 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

I think getting rejected is one of his fantasies. For me it seems like people like him like to have things to call “transphobic” when they don’t then they create situations just for the sake of playing the victim. I wonder if in the future we’ll have a medical term to that. I read somewhere the other day about this detrans young woman saying that while she was a trans “gay” that harassed gays for not wanting to fuck her she had a purpose, she was especial but now she is just a normal “boring” straight white woman. They just want attention.

[–]ArthnoldManacatsaman🇬🇧🌳🟦 19 insightful - 1 fun19 insightful - 0 fun20 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think a lot of these woke activists aren't actually interested in getting rid of the social problems that they identify, or they're careful to announce that these problems are so ingrained into the very soul of society that even the notion of abolishing them is inconceivable.

Because without ever-present transphobia, what is Jessica Yaniv? Without all-consuming anti-black racism, what are Ibram Kendi or Robin DiAngelo? Cynical, deeply disturbed narcissists.

Certainly, the world has enough of those kind of people without the need to manufacture windmills at which to tilt, but it never ceases to amaze me how laudable some people see these individuals.

[–]insta 12 insightful - 2 fun12 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I think getting rejected is one of his fantasies.

It's so clear that this is one big fetish for him.