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[–]Three_oneFourWanted for thought crimes in countless ideologies 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I've seen it in this sub and promptly reported it because it is 100% hypocritical, shortsighted, and just stupid to attempt to alienate all straight people for being straight. No one should be punished for the sins of their forefathers/mothers, especially if it wasn't even their ancestors that were responsible. To hate straight people because "they're homophopbic" is the most rediculous thing any actual victim of bigotry can do because real victims of bigotry should know better than anyone that it is wrong to hold predjudice against someone for something that they cannot control and are not responsible for.

I have been fortunate enough to not have suffered from homophobia because of various factors, but I have seen the remnants of that ideal in some people. Those people who barely hold onto those ideals should be our greatest focus to gain allies because they are our greatest threat, but also the greatest potential to show active homophobes that they're wrong and alone. Hating straight people only fuels hatred for us. We are in no position to attempt irradication of anyone, so anyone ourt there that wants to make homosexuality the dominant sexuality is not only evil but stupid.

Hate the homophobes, hate the homophobia, but never hate anyone who has done nothing wrong. And those that were raised to be bigoted but have potential to be saved should be treated with respect to show them that those ideals are wrong, that homo (and bi) sexuals are not anything to be hated or feared, and that mutual respect is possible with equal rights not only under the law, but also equal treatment in society.

[–]BiHorror[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

No one should be punished for the sins of their forefathers/mothers, especially if it wasn't even their ancestors that were responsible.

Yep! Not only is it present in some aspects of LGB, but there's also other minority groups that do this. For example, I'm mixed race, and in both of sides of my parents' cultures, people make fun of white people, they can get away with it (doesn't help that racism is defined by the whole "power+prejudice" definition now) and it's like ??? Because they're supposedly "racist" despite not having said or done anything.

Hating straight people only fuels hatred for us. We are in no position to attempt irradication of anyone.

I don't get how some don't see that then do act surprise when potential-allies-turned-homo/biphobic attacks them (note: not justified but it's not surprising when you keep on pushing and pushing until eventually they crack).

Hate the homophobes, hate the homophobia, but never hate anyone who has done nothing wrong. And those that were raised to be bigoted but have potential to be saved should be treated with respect to show them that those ideals are wrong, that homo (and bi) sexuals are not anything to be hated or feared, and that mutual respect is possible with equal rights not only under the law, but also equal treatment in society.

100% agree.