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[–]jiljol 25 insightful - 1 fun25 insightful - 0 fun26 insightful - 1 fun -  (46 children)

The only difference between tucutes and truscum is that the latter believe homosexuality can be overridden with enough plastic surgeries and synthetic hormones. Neither group ultimately believes in the existence of exclusive same-sex attraction; it's all just conditional. It's no surprise to see Buck/Susan advocating this, considering she went from self-hating lesbian victim of bullying to full-time sadomasochistic transsexual pornographer, going as far as to marry a professional dominatrix by the name of Ilsa Strix. Ilsa eventually left her for Larry Wachowski, at the time her next pet project. Trauma and untreated mental illness can wreak a person's life, and Susan is a textbook example of this.

Looking at the comments section of that tweet you can find "Duncan", armchair expert of the ~Gender Critical~ twittersphere, who gave us his "Grand Unified Hypothesis" (not quite as rigorous as it sounds) on male sexuality ( In Duncan's world, heterosexual men who are attracted to tomboys don't exist, and attraction to feminine men would commonly be described as "Straight". Lol.

[–]strictly 16 insightful - 1 fun16 insightful - 0 fun17 insightful - 1 fun -  (45 children)

she went from self-hating lesbian victim of bullying to full-time sadomasochistic transsexual pornographer

She's into getting dick so she can't be a lesbian, she's bi if she's into both sexes.

[–]reluctant_commenter 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (44 children)

This is not necessarily true. She could be enjoying sex involving dicks because of a fetish, as opposed to her sexual orientation.

We often assume people's sexual orientation here, but fetishes can obscure sexual orientation-- and fetishes are a VERY relevant component of this conversation, given the prevalence of autogynephilia among self-described "transbians" and their female counterparts, transmen who seek to date gay men.

There was a study showing that some GAMP men (gynandromorphophiles; "chasers" of transwomen) had a heterosexual arousal pattern-- both physiological arousal and self-reported arousal to women, but not to men-- yet were highly aroused by autogynephilic-presenting men. It's not really being "into getting dick"-- it's about the fetish.

[–]strictly 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (43 children)

This is not necessarily true. She could be enjoying sex involving dicks because of a fetish, as opposed to her sexual orientation.

Then you have a different definition of female homosexuality if you include women sexually into penises as "lesbians" too. Conflating lesbians with women into penis creates practical problems for lesbians, that is why I support dropping the T as I want that conflation to end.

We often assume people's sexual orientation here, but fetishes can obscure sexual orientation-- and fetishes are a VERY relevant component of this conversation

Sexual orientation is not the same thing as the etiology so if someone's fetish makes them into both sexes they are still bi.

There was a study showing that some GAMP men (gynandromorphophiles; "chasers" of transwomen) had a heterosexual arousal pattern-- both physiological arousal and self-reported arousal to women, but not to men-- yet were highly aroused by autogynephilic-presenting men. It's not really being "into getting dick"-- it's about the fetish.

They are into dick though, they just like dick on males with breasts and on cross-sex hormones. I see that as bisexual/heteroflexible. If they want to create a different word for their type of bisexuality I am not against that, but they are not heterosexual if they are into some males too.

[–]reluctant_commenter 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (42 children)

you have a different definition of female homosexuality if you include women sexually into penises as "lesbians" too

That is not what I said. I said: "She could be enjoying sex involving dicks because of a fetish." What I am trying to get at, is that we can't always assume sexual orientation from behavior alone. If a man in a porno fucked a another man, we can't assume he's gay, for example.

Conflating lesbians with women into penis creates practical problems for lesbians, that is why I support dropping the T as I want that conflation to end.

I agree-- but that's not what I did.

so if someone's fetish makes them into both sexes they are still bi.

That is not what a fetish is. If someone is into both sexes, they are bisexual. Someone with a fetish for autogynephiles is not attracted to the autogynephiles' sex (the fact that the AGPers are male), they are aroused by the behaviors and appearances of the autogynephiles. Blanchard calls this "pseudobisexuality". And there are, in fact, some men who exhibit heterosexual arousal patterns (both physiologically-measured and by their own report), who still will date trans-identified men because their fetish is autogynephilia and it overrides the fact that they are not aroused by men or otherwise attracted to men. I'll link a source for this. edit:

If they want to create a different word for their type of bisexuality I am not against that, but they are not heterosexual if they are into some males too.

Sex researchers would say differently. (edit: because those males are not actually "into" other males, they are "into" their fetish.)

I totally agree that all of this is harming LGB people, and homosexual women in particular. But, when paraphilias are involved, it is difficult for us to really know a person's sexual orientation from just one piece of information.

Also-- just a side note, you wouldn't happen to be an alt for StrictlyDykely, would you? Was going to say, if you were, haven't seen you in a while, hello and hope you're doing well. :) But no worries if not haha.

[–]strictly 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (41 children)

I said: "She could be enjoying sex involving dicks because of a fetish."

If she enjoys sex involving male genitalia then she is into male genitalia and not a lesbian.

we can't always assume sexual orientation from behavior alone.

Yeah, if she reluctantly tried sex with male genitalia and hated sex with male genitalia then that might be a case where we shouldn't judge her sexual orientation from one behavior alone, but if she pursues sex with male genitalia because she enjoys sex with male genitalia she's obviously not a lesbian.

If a man in a porno fucked a another man, we can't assume he's gay, for example.

I wouldn't assume he is straight either, and if he enjoys sex with male genitalia I definitely wouldn't consider him straight.

Someone with a fetish for autogynephiles is not attracted to the autogynephiles' sex (the fact that the AGPers are male)

They are though, they are attracted to male trans people specifically because they are male, as in, the maleness/penis of someone with breasts/curves enhances things for them, they just want maleness packaged in estrogen.

EDIT: I realize you don't count being into male genitalia as being into males but I do. Few things are as uniquely male as the male genitalia, a person can't enjoy sex with male genitalia without enjoying sex with males as males are the only ones who have male genitalia.

I'll link a source for this. edit:

I have read a lot of sex research, including the linked study. I generally don't disagree with the data but what researchers choose to call things. There was one study where they put women who said they were kinsey 4 in the homosexual category and then they presented homosexual women as fluid when these kinsey 4 women seemed into men. I don't reject the data that showed that these kinsey 4 women were sexually into men, I disagree that Kinsey 4 women should categorized as homosexual in the first place. Similarly I don't disagree that there are different types/etiologies of bisexuality but that doesn't make someone who is into both sexes strictly monosexual.

Sexual orientation =/= the etiology, for all we know there could be several different biological mechanisms that could make someone end up a certain sexual orientation. Identical twins don't always have the same sexual orientation, so same genes, different outcomes and sexual orientation is the outcome, i.e the sexes the person sexually orient towards. I don't disagree that it's possible that person who would otherwise be biologically more predisposed toward heterosexuality could have a paraphila making them end up bisexual instead (paraphilas like autogynephilia often start early). They would have a different etiology of their bisexuality than someone without the paraphila but they are still sexually into both sexes either way. Homosexuals might not all have the same etiology for their homosexuality either. If a woman who would otherwise been more biologically predisposed toward asexuality but developed let's say an early "vagina fetish" lol making her sexually into women the outcome is still homosexual.

Also-- just a side note, you wouldn't happen to be an alt for StrictlyDykely

Sorry, no.

[–]reluctant_commenter 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (40 children)

If she enjoys sex involving male genitalia then she is into male genitalia

Not necessarily. That is the point I'm trying to make. A paraphilia is about the power of the human mind. If she WERE into male genitalia then I would also call her a lesbian. But a paraphilia is a psychological disorder, and it can lead to behavior that runs counter to one's sexual orientation. If you do not believe in this empirically-supported definition of what paraphilias are, then I guess we shall have to agree to disagree.

if she pursues sex with male genitalia because she enjoys sex with male genitalia she's obviously not a lesbian.

I agree. I'm saying that we don't know that that's WHY she is pursuing sex with men. Again, as with the porn example-- a man could be "pursuing sex with men" because he is trying to make money. That is a different reason than a paraphilia, but another reason for the behavior besides sexual orientation.

EDIT: I realize you don't count being into male genitalia as being into males but I do.

No, that is not what I think. That is literally the opposite of what I have said this entire thread. edit: Just because we are disagreeing does not mean that I believe in gender ideology or that I am a TRA. Everything I am saying is consistent with a worldview in which homosexual female = exclusive same-sex attraction. This is not an attack on female homosexuals. I apologize for coming across that way, if that bothered you.

There was one study where they put women who said they were kinsey 4 in the homosexual category

That sounds like a poor operationalization of the definition of "homosexual women," I agree.

Similarly I don't disagree that there are different types/etiologies of bisexuality but that doesn't make someone who is into both sexes strictly monosexual.

Fetish != bisexuality... and it seems trivializing to bisexuality that you are suggesting that. There are heterosexual AGP people, bisexual AGP people, and homosexual AGP people, for example.

I don't disagree that it's possible that person who would otherwise be biologically more predisposed toward heterosexuality could have a paraphila making them end up bisexual instead (paraphilas like autogynephilia often start early).

It sounds like you base your definition of homosexuality more on behavior, as opposed to attraction to the person. A man who has a paraphilia for attraction to autogynephilia, is not attracted to the autopgynephiles he has sex with-- he is attracted to the concept of the fetish, in what some researchers suggest is a "target location error".

Sexual orientation is about attraction to humans and humans genitals; paraphilias are about attraction to things other than humans and human genitals. I am saying, a person with a paraphilia is not attracted to people who they engage in sexual activity with, regarding their paraphilia. It's a different axis entirely than sexual orientation.

[–]strictly 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (39 children)

Not necessarily. That is the point I'm trying to make.

I don't see a distinction between enjoying sex involving male genitalia and being into/attracted to male genitalia, it's the same thing in my view.

If you do not believe in this empirically-supported definition of what paraphilias are, then I guess we shall have to agree to disagree.

I am not denying people can have paraphilias, I'm saying paraphiliac sexual attractions are still sexual attractions. A sexual attraction might be considered disordered or not, but it's still there, and if the paraphilia influences which sexes they are attracted to that's just reality even if it's disordered. It seems you don't count something as being a sexual attraction to a person/genitalia if you consider the attraction disordered but I don't think attractions to people/genitalia by definition have to be healthy or non-paraphilic to exist/count.

a man could be "pursuing sex with men" because he is trying to make money. That is a different reason than a paraphilia

Yeah, if he pursues men to make money he would be doing it for monetary reason, and if he did it because of an paraphilia he would be doing for sexual reasons. Having sexual reasons to want sex with men is, in my view, having a sexual interest in men.

Just because we are disagreeing does not mean that I believe in gender ideology or that I am a TRA. Everything I am saying is consistent with a worldview in which homosexual female = exclusive same-sex attraction.

I haven't called you a TRA. But we define exclusive same-sex attraction differnetly, which means we define homsexual differently too.

It sounds like you base your definition of homosexuality more on behavior, as opposed to attraction to the person.

I base it on attraction but I think people are generally more likely to initiate sex with people they are attracted to than repulsed by so I would doubt the sincerity of lesbian-identifying woman who repeatedly sleeps with men. I disagree with your take on GAMP (and I have read the research and I know what AGP/ETLE is). A man with GAMP who sleeps with a male trans people isn't merely behaviorally having sex with males, they attracted to these males and can fall in love with these males. It's an attraction to other people. Paraphilic people don't lack the capacity to be attracted to other people. I know someone with GAMP irl and he was in love with his partners, he just seems to always fall for people who are male and trans.

No disrespect but I think we disagree about most things so we might have to accept that we just disagree.

[–][deleted] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (23 children)

Quoting some salient points for my commentary.

/u/reluctant_commenter :

But a paraphilia is a psychological disorder, and it can lead to behavior that runs counter to one's sexual orientation.

She could be enjoying sex involving dicks because of a fetish, as opposed to her sexual orientation.

fetishes can obscure sexual orientation

/u/strictly :

A sexual attraction might be considered disordered or not, but it's still there, and if the paraphilia influences which sexes they are attracted to that's just reality even if it's disordered.

Sexual orientation is not the same thing as the etiology so if someone's fetish makes them into both sexes they are still bi.

I realize you don't count being into male genitalia as being into males but I do.

I like strictly's point about etiology and orientation. My understanding of regular homosexual men is that there are probably distinct etiologies that results in male androphilia. Fraternal birth order, genetics, epigenetics, etc. Those sorts of things are interesting in sex research. In terms of social movements, they're completely irrelevant. So, there's two different worthwhile contexts for "sexual orientation" here. As is the case with me, only interested in sadomasochism with both sexes and completely uninterested in sexed bodies or sex, I maintain "exclusive paraphile" as my orientation and sometimes use "bisexual" as my identity. Homophobes are not checking my receipts. This sort of scheme may appeal to your respective interests on this topic and resolve them.

reluctantcommenter, I treat paraphilias (GAMP/masochism/AGP/etc) and copulatory interests, with phenotypically normal partners, (gay/straight/bi/ace) of being the same hierarchy. One can be straight and gamp. Or gay and a masochist. Or just a masochist and neither gay/straight/bi/ace. Someone who is only GAMP is not straight nor bi nor ace nor gay. Fetishes can absolutely make discerning sexual orientation interesting. If we limit sexual orientation to mean a copulatory interest with phenotypically normal, adult, consenting partners, as does the domain of sex research, then it's fairly easy to discern: "Who do you _want to fuck?" The clause of phenotypically normal omits people with an interest in bodies where the primary and secondary sexual characteristics/gender presentation do not match as is the case of GyneAndroMorphoPhilia. That sort of thing falls into the paraphilic category. Someone with only a paraphilia might be considered to not have a sexual orientation--not the same thing as asexuality--I'll cover the expanse of that phrase in a bit. (I wouldn't consider an exclusive paraphile to be asexual/anerotic, esp wrt attraction to others based on the paraphilia.)

But at the end of the day it's all just a semantic argument, isn't it? The lines have to be drawn up somewhere. I'm inclined to use the definitions of sex research, as there are some fairly well-educated, smart people sitting around thinking about this stuff. It's an appeal to authority. But their definitions have certainly not been adopted by the mainstream, nor do I really expect them to. I also use the definitions of sex research because they are more precise instruments useful for untangling a whole mess of human sexual desire. If a guy tells me he's bi, I'm curious if he's straight & GAMP, just GAMP, or actually bisexual, because those are all very different things.

But then there are a few sex researchers, Bailey comes to mind, who say that the phrase "sexual orientation" should refer to (especially men) somebody's consistent pattern of arousal, no matter what that thing is that turns them on. (DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-09556-1_3) I'm not certain if he would clarify that to exclude the paraphilias. If this is his standpoint, even Bailey is wise enough to not publically share that opinion with that kind of specificity.

Making all these terms that describe their essential phenomena fit in a neat fashion with a perfect typology sure is a challenge. Getting people to agree to that typology is a different challenge. But, I'd consider the differing contexts--social movements? or sex research? Etc.

EDIT: for quote clarity (newlines)

[–]strictly 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

In terms of social movements, they're completely irrelevant.

Yeah, I am talking more about real life outcome from a sociological perspective.

I maintain "exclusive paraphile" as my orientation and sometimes use "bisexual" as my identity

I don't disagree with either, you are an exclusive paraphile and you have sexual interest in seeking sexual encounters with people of either sex. I sometimes think it could be useful to make a distinction between pansexuality and bisexuality. If we made such distinction we could define bisexuality as being into both male/female bodies (or a subgroup of those bodies) and define pan-sexuality as when the person is interested in sexual interactions but don't really care about the sexed body or the sex of the sexual partner.

if we limit sexual orientation to mean a copulatory interest with phenotypically normal, adult, consenting partners, as does the domain of sex research, then it's fairly easy to discern: "Who do you _want to fuck?"

I see sexual orientation as answer to the question "What are the sexes of the people who you want to fuck" without a clause that only phenotypically normal people count as trans people are part of the general population too. So the honest answer from a person with GAMP would be they want to to fuck both males and females, they just have a specific type in males (but other groups can have types too). Generally I agree that calling them GAMP instead of bisexual would a lot more specific and useful but calling them heterosexual and GAMP would be a lie in my view as they are factually not exclusively attracted to female people.

Someone with only a paraphilia might be considered to not have a sexual orientation--not the same thing as asexuality

In the same way you don't think you an exclusive paraphile should be labeled asexual for lacking non-paraphilc sexual desires for sexual interactions I don't think a nonexclusive paraphile should be called heterosexual/homosexual for lacking non-paraphilc sexual desire for sexual interactions with the same/opposite sex. I assume the reason you don't think an exclusive paraphile should be called asexual is because asexual implies not wanting to sexually interact with people at all so calling exclusive paraphiles asexual would conflate the two groups which would lead to practical problems for both groups. Similarly homosexual/heterosexual doesn't just imply ambivalence for sexual interactions with the undesired sex, it's implies that such sexual interaction would actively be unwanted so lumping them together with nonexclusive paraphiles who don't mind or maybe even desire sexual interactions with that sex would lead to a harmful conflation.

I'm inclined to use the definitions of sex research, as there are some fairly well-educated, smart people sitting around thinking about this stuff. It's an appeal to authority.

Scientists supporting a conflation wouldn't negate the negative effects of the conflation so I wouldn't support it either way. Many scientists support things I don't agree with so I don't automatically trust their judgment.

Regarding Bailey, in research context in might be useful to have a words for sexual patterns that are more etiological in nature and I don't mind that as much even if I can still factually disagree with some definitions they use.

[–]reluctant_commenter 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (16 children)

But at the end of the day it's all just a semantic argument, isn't it? The lines have to be drawn up somewhere.

Totally agree. It's true. These are just definitions to describe behaviors. I think part of the problem, or at least my problem with conceptualizing paraphilias vs. sexual orientation, comes from the fact that trans rights activists actually censor language and muddy definitions in order to then push themselves into spaces in an intrusive way. I've become more firm about standing by definitions, and I know a lot of other people on this sub have talked about the need for gatekeeping, as well; it's something worth thinking about, to be sure.

One can be straight and gamp. Or gay and a masochist. Or just a masochist and neither gay/straight/bi/ace. Someone who is only GAMP is not straight nor bi nor ace nor gay. Fetishes can absolutely make discerning sexual orientation interesting.

That is exactly what I believe as well, thank you for clarifying.

Someone with only a paraphilia might be considered to not have a sexual orientation--not the same thing as asexuality--I'll cover the expanse of that phrase in a bit. (I wouldn't consider an exclusive paraphile to be asexual/anerotic, esp wrt attraction to others based on the paraphilia.)

Yup, totally makes sense. I was about to link you an article about asexuality and paraphilias, but I think you've already seen that one if I recall correctly.

I'm inclined to use the definitions of sex research, as there are some fairly well-educated, smart people sitting around thinking about this stuff. It's an appeal to authority. But their definitions have certainly not been adopted by the mainstream, nor do I really expect them to.

That's true. And I realized as I was writing my last reply to strictly, that I have been basing my perspective off of some articles that are rather controversial even among people who work in this field. Opinions are somewhat divided even among researchers (although, there is a lot of division in sex research because of gender ideology).

I also use the definitions of sex research because they are more precise instruments useful for untangling a whole mess of human sexual desire. If a guy tells me he's bi, I'm curious if he's straight & GAMP, just GAMP, or actually bisexual, because those are all very different things.

Exactly. Also, if you have any more suggestions for papers to read on this topic, by the way, I'd love to hear more. This topic has been on my list of things to read about for a while but I just hadn't gotten to it yet.

I'm not certain if he would clarify that to exclude the paraphilias. If this is his standpoint, even Bailey is wise enough to not publically share that opinion with that kind of specificity.

Hah, that's a good point... and I wouldn't be surprised if he is not keen to die on this hill, whatever his views, after all the vitriol he has gotten over other topics.

Making all these terms that describe their essential phenomena fit in a neat fashion with a perfect typology sure is a challenge. Getting people to agree to that typology is a different challenge. But, I'd consider the differing contexts--social movements? or sex research? Etc.

Good point. Maybe strictly and I are just coming at this from different perspectives. And I appreciate your summary/breakdown of the conversation.

[–]reluctant_commenter 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (14 children)

I am not denying people can have paraphilias, I'm saying paraphiliac sexual attractions are still sexual attractions.

Yes, they are one type of sexual attraction-- but, according to the research study I cited, and many others about paraphilias, a paraphilia is not a type of sexual orientation nor does a paraphilic sexual attraction determine sexual orientation. (That is how the authors end up describing some of their sample as "pseudobisexual".) To be fair, though, this is a controversial area of research and not all experts agree on these nuances. So if you are not convinced by the study I linked, I understand; I am simply describing these people's work. If you know of any other studies that rebut the points made in the study I cited, or that provide another perspective on the topic, I would be happy to hear about them.

I haven't called you a TRA. But we define exclusive same-sex attraction differnetly, which means we define homsexual differently too.

If you believe paraphilic attraction-- that is, attraction to something that is not human sex-- determines sexual orientation, then I guess we do define it differently. I know you did not call me a TRA, but TRAs believe that one's sexual orientation is not determined by exclusive same-sex attraction, and I'm trying to be clear that I don't condone those views. Discussing paraphilias, or other psychological disorders for that matter, doesn't threaten the existence of sexual orientation.

No disrespect but I think we disagree about most things so we might have to accept that we just disagree.

I know nothing else about what you believe, but sure. Have a nice day.

[–]strictly 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (13 children)

according to the research study I cited

Science is interested in the etiology as they are studying causes, correlations etc but I'm not talking about etiology but sociology here. I can reject that paraphilic attraction to a members of a certain biological sex should count as a completely separate axis to sexual orientation sociologically speaking without rejecting the data from etiological research (the same way I can disagree with researchers who think men should be categorized as women if they are dysphoric without rejecting the data from trans research). With sexual orientations I'm referring to the real life pattern, the sexes of the people the person desires to sexually interact with/is aroused by as that is in my view a more useful sociological categorization.

So if you are not convinced by the study I linked, I understand;

I don't disagree with the data, and the data showed that GAMP men were aroused by these males which is evidence in itself that these men are not exclusively attracted to female people. I also agree that they are not homosexual as they are not exclusively attracted to males either. Pseudo-bisexuality refers to the etiology and I don't disagree with the etiology. But I'm not talking about causes but real life pattern. The GAMP man I know irl, all his partners have been male, calling him as heterosexual because he's GAMP wouldn't reflect reality when he's more attracted to males than females.

attraction to something that is not human sex--

We define attraction differently as you don't count enjoying sex with a penis as an attraction to penis, and you don't count attraction to penis as an attraction to the male sex either because you don't count attraction to the penis as an attraction if you think a paraphilia is involved (it's quite common for GAMP men to prefer non-op male trans people as many are into the penis).

Hypothetically a lot of women on actuallesbians could be preferentially GAMP but only like males who transition. You would in that case discount all their male attractions as not being part of their sexual orientation, right? Then if these women also experience attractions to female people they would be lesbians in your eyes, no? In that case these penis-attracted "lesbians" would have the same right to be part of lesbian groups, and would probably call it discrimination if they can't talk about the genitals/"girldicks" they are into if homosexual women can talk about vaginas. And male trans people would be in the right to pursue "lesbians" as there would be "lesbians" who are sexually into or even prefer male bodies (as long as that male body is on HRT).

TRAs believe that one's sexual orientation is not determined by exclusive same-sex attraction, and I'm trying to be clear that I don't condone those views.

We use the same words but we don't mean the same thing with exclusive same-sex attraction.

In debates with male trans people there is sometimes a type that agrees that a woman is an adult human female, he just happen define himself as female, or he agrees that women are of the female reproductive sex but he happens to consider himself reproductively female. In those cases, when he agrees with the "definitions" the disagreement about definitions is more fundamental.

EDIT: I saw your response to the other poster. Perhaps we do come from different perspectives making me misunderstand what you mean, and in that case I apologize for that. Also, you give the impression you think I disagree with Blanchardianism or see it as controversial, I mostly agree with Blanchardianism and have since years back.