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[–]julesburm1891 62 insightful - 2 fun62 insightful - 1 fun63 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

To disagree is to misgender us.

Cool story. Still doesn’t change your sex or that attraction is sex-based.

Of course, sometimes attraction fades after finding something out about another person, whether it be that they drink, they have certain opinions that are deal-breakers, or they don’t respect personal space.

How does OP understand this, but also doesn’t get that finding out someone isn’t a certain sex is a deal-breaker for almost everyone?

[M]arkers of desirability are deeply political, shaped by our environments, cultures, and dominant society.

Please stop telling LGB people that our sexual orientations are learned from society. It manages to be both patently absurd and homophobic.

Generally, basing sexual attraction or orientation solely around genitals is rather invasive, dehumanizing, and a bit unrealistic.

Straw Man. People aren’t just attracted to the genitals of the sex(es) they’re into. They’re into the whole picture—genitals, hips, facial structure, body hair, how they smell when they sweat, where their voice registers, etc.

It’s funny though. Neither myself nor any of my partners have never once had a problem with assuming/acknowledging what was in the other’s pants. It’s almost like people find this normal interaction dehumanizing when they’re LARPing as the opposite sex and people aren’t into it.

[A]s many straight women will tell you, penises usually aren’t that appealing.

In all my years, I’ve never once heard a straight woman say this.

[–]Shadow_Lurker 24 insightful - 10 fun24 insightful - 9 fun25 insightful - 10 fun -  (1 child)

Generally, basing sexual attraction or orientation solely around genitals is rather invasive, dehumanizing, and a bit unrealistic.

This was the best joke I heard this entire week! lol

Are they really serious about this?

[–]FrostyNugsI'm allergic to nuts 17 insightful - 11 fun17 insightful - 10 fun18 insightful - 11 fun -  (0 children)

Do these people realize that you don't have sex with someone's pronouns?