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[–]BiHorror 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

My thoughts on them? Revolted most of the time.

Although, I do understand that there is still some (those who actually suffer from the mental illness like the HSTS) who have sex dysphoria, their "treatment" is a croc of shit. Have you seen the suicide rates? Even within communities that are tolerate of them and post op, they're still suicidal. So obviously, something is wrong with this treatment.

Now, for "transgenders," they're just full blown revolting. It doesn't help that their (and other groups) definition of "gender" was taken and based off the works of John Money. Then there's also the attempts to redefine woman/man and sexuality for their fucking delusions. Alongside transing the dead. Be it LGB and/or women. There's the rewriting of history, and using what is majority of non- white cultures as props.

Then there's the death and rape threats towards women especially. The lying ("trans women are getting killed everyday!!!!" But leave out the ACTUAL reasons on what's contributing to their deaths such as sex work), "cotton ceiling," comparing themselves to black people, etc.

Let's not even get started on transing children, trying to get "G"/SD removed from DSM, using intersex conditions as props, and the "cis" bullshit. They're so damn cult-like.