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[–]HollywoodLESBIAN 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"Sorry but you can't identify out of being male or female. You can identify out of being a man or a woman, yes, because those are constructs - but male and female are immutable characteristics. If you don't feel comfortable stating whether you are male or female, then just don't vote, since this post isn't to determine gender identity, it's to determine sex."

Even though I think identifying as "non-binary" is stupid, I why people debate gender ideology. What I don't understand is trying to debate sex. Your sex is your sex and it will never be changed, no matter what hormones you take or what surgery you have. Do these people really not understand this or are they just mad that no matter how hard they try, they will never biologically be the sex they want to be?

"I guess I just don’t understand the point of a poll asking what genitalia you were born with in relation to whether you play bass or not which is why I was confused."

Hmmmm. I wonder why a woman would want to know if there were many other women in a very male dominated hobby🤔. I really have no clue either. They really try to make people feel bad for wanting to interact with people of their own sex.